tar-zhay thursday || 4th of july!

hiya! is today actually thursday? monday? friday? who actually knows what day it is with a holiday in the middle of the week [although i’m not complaining!]. i said i was going to use this weekly installment to bring you what’s happening lately, and i’m actually pretty happy to report that there isn’t a lot going on. we had a low key 4th, just hanging out as a fam in the morning and visiting both of our moms in the afternoon. logie went boating, for 4-wheeler rides, and got to see the farm animals at grandmas. full day! i do want to take a minute and say thanks to all of those who sacrifice for our freedom. that includes those that put their lives on the line, day in and day out, as well as their families. i appreciate you, and the life you have allowed me to live.

i’m also celebrating a work anniversary today, and just wanted to s/o target for being such a great place to work. the people i work with are top notch, and i’m constantly learning from the best each and every day. not to mention, target as an org is doing really great things. i’m proud to work for such a forward-thinking and dynamic organization.

top | shorts | shoes

the jumpsuit is AH-MAZING [i wore it for my bff’s baby shower, and shot it for a look coming to the blog soon!], and the who what wear top is adorable dressed up or dressed down. i also got a second pair of these mad love sandals this year because i wore mine so much – worth every penny! thank me later.

have a great rest of the week, everyone!

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