happy thursday! it’s been a relatively low-key week, although it has totally flown by. i can’t believe it is already thursday. thanks to everyone that responded with questions for my faq post i’m working on! lots of good ones, but i think my favorite was “miracle whip or mayonnaise?” to which i say, RANCH. ALWAYS RANCH. i did get a lot of questions on my hair, so that will be a post by itself. there were a couple other themes that popped up, so i’ll be putting those into full posts as well!
onto my target finds of the week. someone asked me if i actually buy all of the stuff i post, and the answer is … sometimes? i’m rounding up all the items i have or am planning on purchasing, or just really great deals. odds are i already have it, but not necessarily all the time 🙂 just in case you were wondering!