why i love pinterest

happy monday! today i wanted to chat about my fave social media platform. it’s for sure not facebook, and no, it’s not even instagram [although that’s probably a close second]. nope, my favorite social media channel is pinterest. truth be told, it’s more of a search engine than social media platform, but since the industry classifies it is as so, who am i to change that? i’ve said it before, but i’m a very visual person. seeing things stimulates my interest and creativity, and gets the creative juices flowing. i use pinterest for SO MANY REASONS, and have been doing so for a really long time. my boards are actually pretty broad by design; i want to collect images that inspires me, not focuses on just one thing. for instance, my inner designer board has all kinds of house things i want to do or am inspired by, not just paint colors or window treatments.

i started breaking out my fashionista board into seasons, but i find that in the mornings before i’m getting ready for work, i scan the whole board for outfit inspo if i’m not feeling what i had picked out that day.

and of course, i love pinning some beauty/hair ideas and inspiration for when i have events, parties, or just fun excuses to wear different makeup + hairstyles. [i also keep a board just for blonde hair color i use to show new colorists when i’m getting my hair done, but that’s not nearly as exciting :)]

what about you? are you visual as well? use pinterest? lately i’ve also been using it to find other blogs i haven’t yet read, which has been really exciting! for me, pinterest is always new and fresh, which keeps me coming back. if you want to see what i’m pinning, feel free to follow along here.

happy monday!

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