tarzhay thursday | travel edition

this week’s tarzhay thursday installment is all about the travel items i picked up recently. i was in nyc earlier this month and am headed to huntsville alabama today, and there have been some beauty items that have been working double duty for me. i have been loving the pixi by petra line [obviously found at target!]. i already use some of the serums on a daily/weekly basis in my normal skincare routine, but just started to use more of their beauty products. i typically carry on when traveling just for the convenience factor, and paring down my makeup has actually been a huge space-saver for me. the below items have all day wearability and come in a variety of colors. i am now a huge fan of the pixi by petra line and will be testing out even more of their products. oh! can’t forget, my favorite lip product, carmen 🙂

have a great thursday! as always, feel free to dm me or drop a comment here or on my latest insta with any questions.

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