photos by maria lloyd photography
i’m coming off of a month of some pretty heavy travel, and in doing so, i’ve really come to realize how much i rely on my well-being routines to keep me running at 100%. the more i think about it, the more there are some key things that keep me sane + healthy [and you’ve heard me preach about them before, so this shouldn’t be anything new!]. long story short, i started to really prioritize my wellness a few years ago, and really had to lean into maximizing my routines for optimal output as a working mom once i had logan. here are some non-negotiables that i incorporate into my day:
SLEEP. it all starts with sleep. if i don’t get enough sleep, or during the correct part of the night, my day is shot. no amount of caffeine can revive me if i’m low on sleep. not only am i foggy, but i feel like my muscles don’t fire right, and anything physical i’m doing that next day is ten times harder. i usually try to get 8 hours a night, but i’m to the point where i can survive on 6-7. lately i’ve really been trying to go to bed when logan does [around 8/8:300 … I KNOW! so early] since i wake up between 4:45a – 5:15a. because i don’t drink caffeine past noon, plus i’m mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day, i usually don’t have that hard of a time falling asleep. if i’m traveling or know that i slept in that day and am not as tired as i should be come bedtime, i’ll take a melatonin gummy [i know, i’m like five. love me some gummies]. the older i get, the more enough, consistent sleep is important to me. i’m not 22 anymore
GETTING THE RIGHT NUTRIENTS. blah blah blah, i’m a broken record, but i find that if i’m eating healthier and more conscious of my choices, i’ll continue to make better choices. this means trying to get the fab 4 at every meal [proteins, fats, fiber, and greens], listening to my body and eating when i’m hungry, and trying to limit the boredom snacking. i’m totally not perfect here, and #reeses, but since reading kelly leveque’s book and listening to every podcast she’s ever been mentioned or interviewed on, i find that it’s a little easier to try and play the science when i’m choosing my meals. i notice a direct tie between what and how i eat and how i feel energy-wise, and since i’m constantly on the go at work or with my fam, energy is SO important. i can’t remember the last time i took a legit nap, so i’m very careful about how i fuel my body. again, taking all of that with a grain of sodium, because it’s reeses pumpkin season, and we all know reeses shapes taste a lot better. #balance
MOVEMENT. i’m always a tiny bit hesitant to chalk up my every day walking to “working out,” because i’m not walking away dripping sweat [everyday at least. some days i am!]. i think it’s a personal deal, because i am still moving my body, getting steps in, and boosting my brainpower. i also fit in other workouts where i can, but the one constant is i wake up and move. almost every single day. i try to prioritize it even more when i travel, because it helps keep some consistency in my routines. move yo body. sidenote: i have a couple of friends who do bbg [you rockstars know who you are … total champs because that ish is hard!!], and it’s something i reallllly want to try and fit into my life at some point. not only for the physical aspects, but for the “you picked something and stuck with it” aspect. more to come on that.
PROBIOTICS: i’m not going to drone on about this — you can read more here. just know that coming from a girl who tried a lot of probiotics, these help me feel the best i’ve ever felt.
GRATEFULNESS: at one point in my life, i lived in a way where i felt like everything was happening to me. i have incorporated practices of gratefulness into my life, and i am now able to recognize the blessings i have. more than anything, it helps me see that whatever is happening [whether i’m sick, have a flat tire, etc.], it can always, ALWAYS be worse. my kid’s crabby? she’s healthy, and there are parents out there dealing with kids that are truly sick. i am having a tough day at work? i have a job i care about, so focus on that. annoyed with traffic? i have a vehicle, the ability to commute, and places i want to be on both ends of it. it’s really that simple – just flipping the script to recognize the blessings i have. trust me, it’s really hard and almost annoying at first, but i cannot tell you the change it has caused in my life.