my favorite diaper bag

i know i’ve written about this before, but i feel like it’s my duty as a mom, a millennial, and the kind of person that really likes sharing where she got good products, to share my favorite diaper bags with you again. i’m saying bags plural, because there are a few i like for different reasons, but i do really a have one true favorite. but i’ll get to that.

here’s our current situation: logan is a year and a half [actually more! cue my crying face], and we really don’t need a diaper bag that badly anymore. she rarely has a blowout we can’t handle [i realize i just jinxed myself saying that], and she can eat off of whatever menu we have in front of us [as long as there is ranch — she’s def my kid], and i don’t need a thousand diapers/nooks/wipes/books/toys/clothing options for every outing anymore. so we typically bring our diaper bag back and forth to daycare with her and when we go on longer trips [like, say, to alabama. or the mall]. my favorite diaper bags are the ones that are easy to organize, and easy to empty. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve found opened pouches in the bottom, clothes that should have been in the wash, and cups that needed to be rinsed out weeks ago. seriously, i need to get my act together and clean that baby out more. the bag, not logan. so now that you know our situation and my must-haves, here are my favorites and why:

i do have to take a sec and talk about my favorite bag, this one, because it really is the best. i bought it on a whim because 1. it was oh joy! for target, 2. it was cute, and 3. it was really cute. previously, that was my criteria. it actually took me months to realize those loopy things at the top are STROLLER LOOPS [genius]. it also comes with a changing pad and pocket for it, side pockets on both sides [not always the case, guys!], and plenty of pockets inside to keep the diapers, wipes, outfits, etc. organized. it’s also easy enough to clean out, since it’s got a pretty slim shape, and doesn’t take up as much space as one might think for the volume of things it can hold. this one is really the winner in my book. and the price point? can’t be beat. it’s worth noting i also have a fawn designs bag, and i use that as more of a work bag as well. it’s just too pretty.

what about you? anything i’m missing? i’m debating on checking out a non-diaper bag diaper bag the next time around, like this one or this one.

happy friday!


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