my fave on-the-go snacks

note: the irony is not lost on me that i’m posting this on halloween, considering my main snacks the last couple weeks have been almond joys and reeses #balance 

fun fact about me: one of my favorite hobbies is eating in the car. no joke. as a kid, i would ALWAYS beg my parents to run through a drive through just so i could eat in the car. idk what it is, but i love being able to snack on the move. fast forward to today, and i’m a busy mom that seems to always be in my car, running from place to place. a lot of my eating has to take place on-the-go, and while not necessarily in my car, i like to have an idea of what works for me for snacks at home, at my desk, or, yes, in the car. since i’ve really prioritized my health and wellness, i’ve zoned in on some healthier options for my mini-meals. here are some of my faves:

  1. cottage cheese or yogurt: i’m one of the lucky ones that is not really affected by dairy, and it honestly makes me feel full without feeling too full. i love the little go-cups of cottage cheese, and can often be found with a single serving yogurt in my possession. i like to add chia, flax, and/or berries, depending on my mood. anytime i can add something to something else that boosts the health factor, i’m all for it. chia seeds are a REALLY easy way to do that. plus, if you let them sit overnight, they act similar to overnight oats and plump up, making the yogurt even richer. my favorites? this yogurt [has fiber + protein!], this cottage cheese, and when i’m switching it up, this non-dairy option.
  2. smoothies! i talked about it here, but i love a good #fab4smoothie for when i’m on the move. my favorite protein powders? typically i like plant based ones, because i feel like they sit better with me, but i keep a variety on hand to mix things up. love these plant based ones, and these for when i don’t have time to make a smoothie in the morning [or don’t want to wake a sleeping baby + husband].
  3. berries! such a great way to get your fiber in, and they keep pretty well in a plastic container in your purse/bag.
  4. gg crackers + avocado: if you want convincing on the gg crackers, read the skinny confidential or listen to this podcast. sold! they are a filling snack, full of fiber, and paired with the avocado, the snack is full of good fats. fair warning: it’s kind of messy to eat while in the car. i found out the hard way …
  5. quest bars: i wish i didn’t like/rely on protein bars so much, because i know it’s better to eat food closer to nature, but sometimes a girl is just busy, yo. quest bars are filling, plus i listened to a podcast with their founder on it and heard how he kept working with the manufacturer to get different machines so they didn’t have to use the sugar-filled binders so many of the protein bars do. great in a pinch!

what about you guys? i need some more snack ideas, so send them my way! preferably fruit/veggie/combos, or quick throw-together recipes [like energy balls!] your girl needs some recipes. and some food-prep motivation … so send it my way! comment here or on my latest instagram. happy halloween!

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  1. 11.16.18
    Sam Krisko said:

    Try RX bars. Kind of like quest, I like them a lot. 😍

    • 11.18.18

      i’ll definitely have to get back to those! i used to eat them all the time and just haven’t lately… thanks for the reco! 🙂