november intentions

maria took these pics – guys, she’s insanely talented, beautiful, and FUN. book her for your holiday pics now, and you will not regret it. also, i’m forever rolling up my denim. any good brand recos for short girls?

happy friday! if you’re anything like me, you’re coming down from a serious sugar high. all of that halloween candy really has me feeling like i need to adjust for november. i’m all about optimizing my life – my time, my meals, my workouts, my beauty routines, etc. so in that vein, today i’m bringing you some of my november intentions, in the hopes that putting this out there will hold me accountable to them. here goes!:

wash my face twice/day: confession: i typically only wash my face at night. and it’s in the shower, so i’m actually about as lazy as i can get with it. i’ve started using this face wash, and LOVE IT because it removes my makeup + exfoliates, but i need to start doing it in the morning too.

lymphatic drainage/face rolling: i was SO GOOD about this for a while, then logan got ahold of my jade roller, and it’s fallen by the wayside. my face holds a lot of inflammation, and between all my candy consumption + sleeping on the same side every night, i can tell my face is a little puffier. gotta get back to this. brb ordering this, now.

healthy swaps: ok basically just for my sweets, because ya girl has a sweet tooth, and i’m not going to give that up. i eat pretty healthy on a regular basis, but need to figure out some swaps so i don’t end up scarfing down my kids fruit snacks post-dinner. first up on the list? freezer fudge, ala kelly leveque. i recently was reminded about it when reading this post, and have since added it to my list of “things to finally try.”

no-buy november: as in, stop buying clothes for myself. i did this a couple of times before, and i followed through a few of those times, but really want to hold myself accountable. i have a TON of clothes i never wear, so i need to start shopping my own closet. plus, i’m hoping it leads to considerable money savings, which brings me to my next point …

christmas shop!: i fully realize and embrace that gifts are not an integral part of christmas, and definitely not what the season is about, but i LOVE to give gifts. in the past, i have let myself get really stressed about finding the PERFECT gift to the point where i just couldn’t commit and find anything i loved, leading to gift regret. this year, i want to be thoughtful and get ahead of the game, getting my christmas shopping done early and really allowing myself to enjoy the season. i’ve already started creating my list, and actually ordered my first gift last week. my goal is to come to you on december 1st and let you know that it’s [mostly or all] done!

prioritize my sleep: i’m already doing this [i go to bed when my kid goes to bed … SO early by adult standards], but i need to continue it. i find that my day job keeps me so engaged, and my brain constantly firing, so that if i’m not in tip top mental shape i’m really off my game. not to mention the physicality that is required to mother a toddler. check out this article, if you need more convincing.

stop complaining: i find that every time i listen to what i’m actually complaining about, i’m pretty disgusted with myself. every single thing is classified as a total “first world problem.” i and my family/friends have their health + wellness, a great job that i love, friends, family, and coworkers that i so enjoy being around, and all the conveniences that the 21st century could afford someone. and i’m not even thirty yet — how lucky am i to have all of this?! seriously, the next time i start whining about the fact that my fancy iphone keeps shutting off on me, someone throw water in my face or something. nothing that happens to me is worth complaining about.\

meditate: this is a lofty goal, since i’ve rarely been good about keeping this habit. time to download the calm app, again.

i realize that is a LOT of things, but if i am able to keep myself in line with even one of them, consider my life changed for the better. small tweaks = big results. on another, total #fangirl note, RACHEL HOLLIS WILL BE AT TARGET HQ TODAY! i’m guessing it’ll be a madhouse trying to see her, but follow along on instagram since i’m going to try to get in line to hear from the total #bossbabe herself!

hope everyone has a good weekend! stay tuned for some fun updates coming out of my world!


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