tank [maternity] | leggings [non-maternity]

gender?: #babypunch2.0 is a boy – confirmed! we had the ultrasound + 20 week docs appointment over the past week, and it was AWESOME. baby boy is a MOVER! with logan we were able to be told the gender within seconds of them starting the ultrasound, and it took almost half an hour for them to confirm 2.0 is a boy. that would have been pretty suspenseful had we not
already known what he was.
cravings/aversions?: nope! i’ve been eating like a king kween this past week and a half [month and a half, really] so i’m trying to get more veggies in this bod. poor kid hasn’t had anything besides cheese dip, christmas cookies, and spinach dip. time for some healthier food.
maternity clothes?: yes! i’m super disappointed in the maternity leggings i just bought [and subsequently returned], but LOVE this velvet top and have been wearing it non-stop.
workouts?: i did pretty good over the holiday week! getting a lot of sleep and being home and having time to not rush through my workout has helped. hoping i can stick with it as i head back to work and the craziness that is post-holiday in a wrestling family. oh, and i made the goal to add 2-3 incremental strength workouts into my week. one down for this week, two to go!
weight gain?: 20 pounds in just as many weeks. to be honest, i though the holidays were going to be way worse to me on the scale, but i think i’m just maintaining some of the muscle [at least that’s my hope!]
emotions?: no odd crying spells to report, which is good. granted, i haven’t been to a sporting event and heard the national anthem lately …
any other weird symptoms?: headaches and back pain like CRAZY. not, like, debilitating, so i can’t complain too much, but it definitely is more of a shooting, constant pain than i remember with logan. honestly, i probably have been picking up my kid with incorrect form for the last two years, so that doesn’t help. time to make a chiro appointment!
thanks for following along with these! i got a ton of questions on my #fab4smoothie insta story yesterday, so if you are curious, check out this post. i’ll do another one soon with some of my favorite go-to recipes for the smoothie as well.
happy wednesday!