hi guys! today’s 22 weeks with 2.0, and as you can tell, there’s not much to report since i have no clever title 🙂 i did wear a pair of my non-maternity jeans this week, so that’s a win, although it’s for sure my last time wearing them. bless banana republic for their stretch denim and vanity sizing. makes a girl feel good [and not huge!]
gender?: baby boy! since we have that confirmed, i’m going to start sharing some of what we are thinking for adding “boy stuff” to our home/lives — nursery inspo + products, clothes, etc.
cravings/aversions?: i’ve started to eat a little healthier again after the holidays, and it’s AMAZING how good you feel when you add some veggies into your life. i wouldn’t say i crave them, but knowing how much better i feel now that i’ve been having more #fab4smoothies and some salads, i’m going to try to remember that and stay on the veggie bandwagon. i’ve also been eating a ton of coconut yogurt with chia seeds! i’ll usually mix it at my desk the last meeting i have before lunch, and by the time i get back, it’s a nice thick chia seed pudding. #desklunchhack
maternity clothes?: yep! i’m now on the hunt for good maternity workout gear, since mine are getting a little uncomfortable. it’s usually ok for home, but when i’m out and about on the weekends, i want something that’s comfortable AND appropriate
rings on or off? on! luckily the swelling so far has been concentrated in my lower extremities [i can see it in my feet and ankles already], but depending on the day i sometimes have some hand/finger swelling, but luckily it’s never bad enough that i can’t wear my rings.
workouts?: post-holiday i’ve been consistent with my 30 minute walk on the treadmill [1 incline, 4.4 speed], but i’m starting to feel the ligament stretching underneath my bump, so that might have to get notched down. i’ve also been doing some of the maternity strength workouts that are on the beachbody website, and while i don’t think it’s the hardest thing i’ve ever done, i’m definitely sore.
weight gain?: 22ish pounds in 22 weeks. in all honesty, i put my scale away except for my once/week measurement to make sure i’m not gaining/losing like crazy, and that has been so helpful. it’s hard to not stress about it [especially since i didn’t lose all of the baby weight last time around!], so that’s been great from a mental health perspective. HIGHLY recommend if weight is something that causes you stress in your pregnancy.
emotions?: started tearing up during a les brown motivational video they were showing in a finance meeting this week. yep, you read that right. joey and i have also been youtubeing [is that a verb? it is now] songs for his wrestling highlight video, so getting all the feels as we watch motivational sports videos. pretty much the same as every other week, and again, not convinced it’s pregnancy-related
any other weird symptoms?: luckily i haven’t had as bad of headaches this past week [fingers crossed that holds!!], but the back pain is unreal. i started seeing my chiro again, because i hate not being able to move and be as mobile as i usually am. it’s probably time to start doing a little yoga again, too.