in addition to the questions i’ve been getting on the #fab4smoothie recipes i’ve been posting lately, i’ve been getting some questions on what i’ve been eating. now that i’m feeling good enough to eat some veggies, i thought i’d share some of what i’ve been making + eating lately! i want to preface all of this with the fact that i am NOT a cook, but i love easy, quick, healthy recipes.

burnt broccoli: seriously, this stuff is SO good. i actually started eating this because at our office, we have a cafeteria onsite and this is one of the offerings at our salad bar every day. it’s easy, the ingredients are simple, and takes very little effort. oh, and it lasts for a while in the fridge [not that it ever lasts more than a few days in mine!].

salmon: so i am the only salmon-lover in our fam, meaning i usually only get it when i’m picking up lunch at work [working downtown MPLS means i get my choice of bougie salad places]. i’ve started buying some pre-seasoned ones to make at home for salads + dinners. if i don’t pick up one of the pre-seasoned frozen ones in the frozen seafood section at target [i trust their seafood selection!], i’ll usually cook it according to this recipe.

freezer fudge: kelly leveque, ftw again! i substituted the cocoa powder for cacao, which i just happend to have on hand, but it seems to work just as well. i was also a little too heavy-handed with the salt, but i don’t mind it since i like the salty/sweet comb. this helps curb my sweet tooth that happens to hit, especially in the evening. warning: poring this can get kind of messy, as i’ve found out the hard way.
we tried hello fresh recently, and LOVED it. my goal is to try a different meal-delivery service every week that we are home to cook together until we find one that we like better than the rest. i have sunbasket, plated, blue apron, and home chef scheduled to deliver as well. any other ones i should be thinking about? [my plan is to do a full on review of all of them once we have a chance to use them all, so keep an eye out for that!]
have a fabulous start to the week — thanks for reading!