gender? boy! name picked out, and i’m starting to work on identifying pieces for his nursery. right now i’m thinking one of these cribs [of course from target!]
cravings/aversions?: nope! trying to keep eating healthier in an effort to get this kid some legit nutrients, and i think it’s overall helping me feel better. i hope i didn’t jinx myself, though, because i was SUPER nauseous this morning on my way into work, but i’m hoping that was a fluke.
maternity clothes?: yeah buddy! i just bought these maternity workout leggings + two pairs of these [don’t tell joey how much i just spent on leggings – ha!] thanks to your recommendations last week! you guys are the best and i cannot wait to live the athleisure life on the evenings and weekends. unfortunately my husbands sweatpants likely aren’t going to make it through a second pregnancy, since they are more holes than material right now.
workouts?: walking! i didn’t make my 2-3 strength workouts last week [just the one] but i’m hoping to try and hit two this week. or just one. who knows. we will see how i feel. i wake up with all of this ambition and am just beat by the time i get home and want to spend time with logan [although if you saw my insta stories last weekend you saw she likes to wear the TIU resistance bands and “work out” with me. cutest thing EVER]
weight gain?: 24 pounds. i think i mentioned it last week, but i put my scale away except for when i do my weekly weigh ins [to make sure nothing’s crazy wrong!], and it’s pretty freeing.
rings on or off?: on, but my feet have already started to swell! i get some sweet sock/legging lines at the end of the day.
emotions?: cried during carrie underwood’s ‘love wins‘ music video. gives me the feels.
any other weird symptoms?: the back pain is getting progressively worse! i can’t tell what’s aggravating it, if anything, but open to suggestions! it’s right above my tailbone and radiates down into my upper legs. so weird. but if that’s my weirdest symptom, i’ll take it.
logan gets cuter, funnier, and smarter by the day, and because of her i’m just that much MORE grateful for the opportunity to have this baby. while i sometimes get caught up in the day-to-day aches and pains [and lack of waistline], seeing her makes me so excited to have another.
thanks for reading!