gender?: baby boy had another successful checkup this week, and i’m starting to think about decorating his nursery. we went back on our original decision to move logan into a ‘big girl room’ and instead are going to just have the baby in the empty bedroom we have right now. i have my heart set on an accent wallpapered wall, so i’m on the hunt for some cute wallpaper.
cravings/aversions?: nothing crazy, but my food choices have definitely loosened up and let’s just say that my digestion is feeling it. i really need to get back to cleaning up what i’m putting in this bod, and might be using this space to hold myself more accountable. TBD – ha!
maternity clothes?: some, but i’m still getting away with tighter ruched dresses, regular tops that are a little longer, and non-maternity leggings. i’m working on a comprehensive post of all the items i’ve loved by trimester, since pregnancy is SUCH a bizarre time in life, and it’s so hard to dress the bloat, the bump, and the aftermath.
workouts?: still doing the treadmill, still not doing enough weights or yoga. regardless of doing the ‘same workout over and over’ bit, i love my morning walks because they mentally keep me sane. check out yesterday’s post on a few reasons why you should get your sweat sesh in in the am.

weight gain?: 23 pounds according to the docs scale, which we all know adds a few. feeling good about that, since i always gain a TON right away and then kind of taper off. it’s really bizarre … i swear i gain my pregnancy weight backwards. anyways, why do i share this? because i used to SCOUR the internet benchmarking myself against other women’s pregnancies, and i want you to NOT DO THAT. or if you do, just don’t worry and know that there are multiple ways to have ‘healthy’ pregnancies. whatever your bod is doing, is right. it knows how to grow this human, so just like the time you tried a beachbody program or a laser skin treatment “trust the process.”
rings on or off?: on! its cold AF here in minnesota, so the freezing temps outside and the warm temps inside means my fingers swell considerably, but never to the point [yet] where i can’t get my rings on or off.
emotions?: stable-ish? i haven’t cried at anything too weird this week; only things i’d be justified crying about. i don’t think tired is an emotion, but i’m t i r e d. that’s a product of having a little one, working full time, and trying to keep my life in order, though, and i know i’m just preaching to the tired choir out there.
any other weird symptoms?: i feel like i should have mentioned my consistent back pain to my doc to see if i could get a written docs note for massages [i want insurance to cover it!], but i got sidetracked talking about how i’m much more excited for my maternity leave this time around. le sigh … maybe next time? anyways i’ve been actually following what i’ve been reading on the internet and sleeping with a pillow in between my legs and i think it’s helping. the back pain is still there [i look like a geriatric when i get up from chairs at work], but it’s not as bad.