i shared my wellness journey with you guys in this post, but it’s safe to say “wellness” [could there BE a broader term?!] and i had a falling out riiiight around the time i figured out i was pregnant again. it’s crazy how your subconscious influences your conscious mind SO MUCH. i had always enjoyed listening to podcasts focusing on food studies, diets [not in a lose-weight kinda way, but a ‘pattern of eating’ kinda curiousity], skin + hair hacks, and fitness routines. that was my way to get my knowledge in. in relation, i – since having logan – have enjoyed taking care of my body in how i move, what i put in, and what i use on it. that all came to a screeching halt right around september.
now, i wouldn’t say that i just went and trashed my body + routine. i just wasn’t that interested. i had to force feed myself veggies, because #firsttrimester, and nothing sounded good. working out continued to be a priority, but i eased up significantly. i didn’t really care to hear about how kelly leveque had come up with another bomb smoothie recipe, or how the tone it up gals were coming out with a new protein powder [both normally things i’m chomping at the bit to learn about]. even though some of my FAVE bloggers had been reviewing it, i honestly really didn’t care to do a super dive into the faster way to fat loss, because i couldn’t be bothered. i was uninterested in learning anything new in the wellness space [SO not like me!]

fast forward to post-christmas, and i was finding my wellness groove again. now, there’s all kinds of research that says your body craves what it needs to to protect your baby during pregnancy [not sure how reeses protect this kid but, you know, science]. i’m also comfortably in my second trimester, and happy to dig out all the research, interviews, podcasts, articles, and testimonials from everyone and their mother on the whole gamut of wellness topics. all of this to say: it’s ok if you lose your focus, and it’s ok to give yourself permission to find your way back. i’m back and prioritizing what i put in, on, and how i move my body, and both myself and this baby are thanking me for it.
so what am i doing now? aside from focusing on eating a little healthier, i’ve actually downloaded the FWTFL fit pregnancy guide! i am *semi* healthy on my own, but it’s kind of nice to have some structure and accountability set. when i’m not pregnant, i intermittent fast by default [mostly because i just never prioritized breakfast] and felt really good, but thought you HAD to eat breakfast while pregnant. i talked to my doc, and since i was doing it before, i’m back to intermittent fasting when it feels good, adjusting some of my workouts, and attempting to understand carb cycling. super interesting! if you guys are interested, i’ll keep you posted on how that’s working for me.
as always, thanks for reading, and happy friday!