gender?: bebe boy! we have a name, but i’m probably not going to share it on here. if you catch my stories, i sometimes say it [or more often than not, try to get logan to say it]
cravings/aversions?: i had a really weird, strange craving for subway the other day. like, at 9am. i used to eat subway ALL THE TIME but haven’t in years. so bizarre. other than that, i’m not having too many sugar cravings, but i made the mistake of getting candy for my desk, so that’s tempting af. it is really true – the more you eat it, the more you crave it and vice versa.
maternity clothes?: yup! i posted yesterday about the types of outfits getting me through my day, and i think i’ve made my newfound love for lululemon align leggings VERY clear in the last week or so.

workouts?: still walking, still taking it easy. i slowed my pace a little to 4mph [vs. the 4.4mph i usually do] to try and ease up on my out-of-breath-ness.
weight gain?: 24 pounds! true to form, my weight gain is slowing down in the second trimester, which makes me feel a heck of a lot better about gaining so much right away. my doc also feels fine about it [#winning], since i’m measuring right on.
rings on or off?: on still! thankfully [thankfully? idk if i’m thankful, but take the good where i can get it!] my swelling is limited to my lower half, so my rings still fit.
emotions?: is sick with a cold an emotion? didn’t think so, but that’s where i’m at.
any other weird symptoms?: i was woken up at 3am the other morning with the weirdest and the worst shooting pains down the front/back/sides of my left leg, and i groggily thought i was having a heart attack because my brain made the connection of “shooting pain down left side” [just not my arm – ha!]. that was bizarre, and i couldn’t get it to go away until i got up and walked around the house [+ate some peanut butter … not intermittent fasting approved]. back pain, leg pain, swelling … the joys and beauty of pregnancy #amirite. but for real, so very very grateful i get to bring this sweet little baby into the world and into our family … it is so worth it.
thanks for reading!