i’m here today to break the *excellent* news that target has an array – a selection – of fiddle leaf figs, for everyone’s budget, tabletop size, and taste. for real! for years i’ve coveted the hard to raise, nearly impossible to find in a fake + plausible form plant. i do have one in my house from michaels that i bought a few years ago, but it’s far too bushy on top to be believable. enter: target, answer to all of our home decor, ‘looks expensive but i get it for less!’ quandaries.

not only does target have a selection of sizes of fiddle leaf figs, they have started to expand their artificial flower and plant assortments as well. the best part? they look classy, and not that typical “fake flower” look you think of.

big fan of these, these, and these. i also love that i can get some of these to supplement the flowers i have at home, because even though trader joe’s fresh flowers are pretty cost efficient, it takes time, effort, and $$ to buy and style them every week. target #ftw.

it’s still super cold here [#polarvortex, anyone?], but i’m turning my mind towards warmer weather. i’m SO excited target brought these shoes back, since i own four different pair, and will definitely be picking up the red for this spring/summer/fall. i actually wore the gold ones in my brother’s wedding, and have the black and baby blue ones on repeat all summer with my work + weekend outfits. they are SUPER comfortable [i walk a ton, so all of my shoes need to be super comfy] and hold up really well. i can’t recommend them enough!

last but not least, how cute are these shoes!? totally picked these up to wear with some of my summer little black dresses + just running around. you can bet they will be coming with on my couple of trips i have coming up!
full disclosure – i had ordered some batteries and dishwasher detergent from target this week also, but since they are not at all exciting, i’m not going to link those here. 🙂
happy thursday! thank you for reading!