pc: http://www.marialloydphotography.com
i never really liked valentine’s day much. for real. i don’t think there needs to be a special day to let someone know that you love them, and i’d rather my husband spend money on bringing home the toilet paper i keep forgetting to pick up [or won’t make room in the cart for] than a dozen, overpriced roses. but there are some things i’ve come to love about love day, so i figured i’d share those things here.
the obvious
what do i love about valentine’s day? people have a very visible, audible, tangible reminder to show their love and affection for others. not that you should need a reminder, but sometimes it’s too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and forget to really appreciate those around you.

the colors
pink! and red! i’m talking in what i wear. i live for a good all black outfit, so having a reason to wear a pop of color is ALWAYS a good thing. i’ve been really into pink sweaters this year, and have linked some of my faves below:
the best part
now that i have a little one, these ‘smaller’ holidays have become more fun as well. we picked up some valentines for logan’s daycare friends, and picking those out together was super fun! i also was home with her on maternity leave over valentines day, so bringing her in to meet joey’s coworkers on that day was pretty special. not to mention, her tiny little v-day outfit was pretty adorable. i’ve come to realize that it’s the little things that i love about this holiday. it’s a bright spot in what happens to be a pretty grey, dreary, and if you live in the northern half of the united states, freezing time of year. it’s a pick-me-up in a long season before we start feeling warmth, see the sun, and have longer days.
so do i like valentine’s day? not for the reasons most people do. but i do love that it happens when it does and i’m grateful for a reason to celebrate those that i love. here’s to wishing you some proverbial warmth, brightness, and hopefully some reeses hearts this week!
xoxo, kels