happy friday! this week has totally and completely wiped me out … i’m not sure about you, but i’m SO excited for the weekend. part of that could be because we leave for sunny florida on saturday, but who knows 😉
anyways, i wanted to share with you today some of the healthy lunches/dinners i’ve been making lately. now that i’m in [well, almost out of] my second trimester and not having such bad nausea and aversions, i’ve really focused on getting a diet that is rich[er] in nutrients. sure, there was christmas and the month that led up to it in there, but overall i’m trying to be healthier. i mentioned this the other day but i’m actually implementing some of the principles of the faster way to fat loss [pregnancy program of course] in my day/diet, like intermittent fasting + [attempting] to carb cycle. so far i’ve found it effective, so i’m going to keep doing what i’m doing.
what am i focusing on in my meals? this is going to sound SO boring, but greens, veggies, lean meats, and all kids of ‘extras.’ here are some examples of what i’ve been cookin’:

+ cauliflower rice + veggie stir fry, with fresh shrimp [i cooked the cauli rice and veggies in chicken stock, which i think made them MUCH more flavorful]
+ flat out wraps with hummus, salmon, broccoli sprouts, and cornichons. it sounds so random, but i topped it with trader joe’s everything but the bagel seasoning, and it was SO good. i paired it with some flackers and avocado and it made for an amazing lunch.

+ breakfast salad: i should really call this “kelsey was cooking a bunch of random stuff and dumped it into a salad” salad, because it’s scrambled egg whites [or hard boiled eggs], salmon, arugala, olive oil, avocado, blueberries, and everything but the bagel seasoning. it is SO random, but SO good.
+ freezer fudge: made another batch, but this time, i added collagen! i went off of this recipe and just added in a scoop of dr. axe’s vanilla collagen, and let me tell you, it’s amazing. not only is the taste perfect, but it gives it a little less of a brittle texture [shocking, collagen improves the texture]. highly, highly recommend, since it’s SUPER easy.

+ anything “bowl” related: i’ve been taking to just dumping a bag of steamed or roasted veggies as my base [riced cauliflower, burnt broccoli, etc.], adding some protein [chicken or salmon or eggs], and then adding things like sprouts, arugala, kale, nutritional yeast, goat cheese, almond cheese, olive oil, etc.

i get a lot of questions on my instagram stories that i share of my meals, so i’ll start including more ingredients + posts like these. again, i’m no chef, but i’ve kind of come to figure out what makes a good bowl/salad/wrap and feel like that is good enough for my day to day.
have a great weekend! i’ll be headed to florida for a long weekend getaway, so be sure to follow along on instastories 🙂