post-vacay ‘glow’ – ha!
gender?: baby boy. i’m starting to freak out a little bit that we have NOTHING ready for his room, or him, or anything at all. i’ve already forgotten [blocked out] the first few weeks with logan, so i kind of feel like it’s going to be new parenting 101 again. i’ve also started reading up on what to expect from a planned c-section [i have a post i’ll be publishing on that soon!], and i’m getting a little nervous about that.
cravings/aversions?: i think it’s time i identified ice cream as a craving this time around. i made joey find a different ice cream place each night of our florida vacay, and i’m not sure i’m going to get rid of that habit anytime soon. although dairy queen blizzards and the moose tracks ice cream from our local grocery store will be juuuuust fine. no half hour wait for ice cream needed.
maternity clothes?: i just ordered a pair of destroyed denim and two pair of cargo/chino-ish pants from motherhood maternity. yes, i realized how lame and non-chic that sounded as i wrote it, but i plan to dress them with a blazer or fitted top + cute shoes to make the pants a little cooler. i’m always a fan of camo-print cargo pants, anyways – maternity or not.
workouts?: still walking! i skipped one of my workouts when i was on vacation, but that was more because i decided i needed rest vs. a workout. i also downloaded the tone it up app and am going to *attempt* to try and do some of their daily moves in an effort to actually follow through on some strength workouts.

weight gain?: 26 lbs – impressive considering the amount of ice cream i ate while i was on vacation.
rings on or off?: on, but i could definitely tell my fingers were swelling when i was in florida, so it was a little more difficult to get them on and off. some of that could have been because i was eating saltier foods [chips + dip plz!], so i had some water retention going.
emotions?: pretty stable! it’s weird, because i feel very calm about the whole idea of maternity leave [giving how much i disliked the first go-around, this is comforting to me], but i am starting to get a little stressed about all the things that need to happen between now and then.
any other weird symptoms?: calf cramps! i’ve been waking up with sore calves from them cramping so bad in the middle of the night. i remember this happening with logan, too. my plan is to start adding calm magnesium powder back into my water, since it’s supposed to help with muscle cramps.
thanks for following along!