second trimester : the good, the bad, and the what-the-heck

hi guys! i am fully aware that i keep you updated on my #bumpdates weekly, but i thought i’d take a high level approach today and capture the second trimester in a few main points, since it’s over and i’m rolling right into my third trimster [at the time i’m writing this, i’m sitting at 29 weeks].

the good:

  • i have been able to maintain working out through my second trimester at the level i had in my first. i remember with logan i was a lot slower a lot sooner [note i did not say bigger, just slower], and with this one i’ve been trying to maintain my pace + level of activity.
  • i’ve been prioritizing eating a lot healthier, which means i just feel less mom-guilt about this kid getting nothing but a straight diet of reeses. throwing some salmon and kale in there HAS to be good for him, right?
  • this kid moves a lot, and all over the place! feeling him with me throughout the day makes me feel like i have a little buddy – like we are partners in crime.
  • the fact that i got, and am still, pregnant. i don’t ever want to take that for granted.
  • i’m able to do all of the things that i normally do. i drive to work, meet with people all day long, go home, parent my child, cook for my family, attend family + friends events, and just live my life. all of the “the bad:” below doesn’t hinder me from doing my things with the people i love. THAT i’m extremely grateful for as well.

the bad:

  • the back pain, man. back + leg pain. i didn’t have this with logan so much [although with her i had some real rib pain from ribs out of place], but i look like a 90 year old lady with arthritis when i get out of bed or stand up after being seated for longer than ten minutes. to be totally honest, the chiro hasn’t helped much, but sleeping with a pillow between my legs has! i know, i know, should have tried that first, but still. at least i figured it out
  • still sick! i stopped taking my unisom for two days and was up at 4am sick as a dog. thankful for the unisom + b6 regimen i’ve been on that has allowed me to live my life
  • i feel way bigger than when i had logan. this kid rides way further out, whereas logan was more high + long [i have a really long torso and v. short legs], so with her i looked more like i had just gained weight with a lot of it going to my midsection. this kid is definitely has more of a ‘prego bump’ look.
  • not sure if this is ‘bad’, but i still crave crappy foods [like ice cream]. why can’t i be that pregnant lady that craves fruit and veggies?

the what the heck:

  • that back pain, man. it’s that + shooting pain down my legs
  • i can literally feel this guy kicking/punching my bladder and ribs simultaneously, which is no small feat considering how long my torso is. wonder how tall he will be [or if he’s just super speedy and can get around in there no prob.]?
  • the weird, weird cravings i’ve had for things like a cheese hot dog at 9am, or subway in the middle of the night.
  • when i stopped taking my unisom for a few days [going back on that — the nausea returned!] i got SO itchy, especially when i was working out! i’m assuming the two are correlated, considering no other factors changed, but still so weird.

overall, the biggest thing i’m feeling is grateful. i know it seems like i’m complaining, but really i just want you other pregos reading this to know you aren’t alone! pregnancy is weird, and it’s hard, but it’s the best opportunity to get to do good in this world. that’s honestly how i look at it: i brought another human into the world — what an amazing opportunity to make it a better place! i can tell you after seeing the absolute joy my daughter is, i cannot wait to welcome this baby boy. well, i can wait another ten weeks or so. but still can’t wait 🙂

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