hi guys! i thought today i’d do something a little bit different, since there’s not a ton of new info from last week’s update. i’ve been getting quite a few questions about this pregnancy, and i wanted to round them all up in one place.

were you guys trying? we weren’t not trying, if you catch my drift. i never, ever, ever want to take it for granted that we were able to get pregnant with logan relatively easily, and i thought it was going to take a few months AT LEAST to get pregnant again, so we discussed a window when we would feel comfortable bringing a new babe home. that “ideal” window was summer of 2019 at the earliest … and we landed in late spring [may]. needless to say we did NOT expect to get pregnant as quickly as we did, but i’m incredibly thankful.
is this pregnancy easier or harder than your first?: logan was one of those idyllic, i-was-only-tired-and-hungry pregnancies, so i’d have to say this one is significantly harder. add in a toddler to chase around, a husband who is fully involved with his career, a house [we were building at the time i was pregnant with logan!], and my own career, it adds to the exhaustion. i’ve luckily been able to manage my sickness, but to say it doesn’t totally knock me out sometimes is a lie. this ones just all around harder, but i’m appreciative for the opportunity all the same and would do this 100 times over to bring a sweet baby into our family.
what are you most excited for?: oh man … so much! i felt a little guilty saying this at first, but hear me out: i’m more excited for this baby than i was for logan. and i have logan to thank for that. when i was pregnant with logan, i couldn’t quite grasp and appreciate the amazing presence and energy that a new being brings to the family dynamic. watching logan grow into the sweet, sassy, funny being she is today makes me exponentially more excited than i ever thought to add another little one to that dynamic.
did you have stretch marks with your first? this pregnancy?: you actually would NOT believe how many people have asked me this. first off, i would like to thank the academy [genetics] for giving me pretty legit skin when it comes to stretch marks … i had none with logan. well, i had one that showed up the last few weeks but it went away after i had her. SO FAR i don’t have any on my belly, and to be totally honest i can’t really see my hips right now, so i’m just going to continue to live in the ignorance-is-bliss category –ha! i do lotion my belly every single day, and make sure to *try* not to itch it, but i’m confident it’s largely due to good genetics.
will the kids share a room?: nope! baby boy will sleep in our room for the first few months, but he will have his own. i finally got the design i’m looking for together in the last week or so, and we got some big items purchased [whew – THAT feels good!]. i’m actually taking two of the pieces out of logan’s room and getting her a few new pieces [chair + dresser]. that serves two purposes: her dresser was too big for her room layout anyways // we want the chair to go with the youngest since it’ll get ‘trashed’ the most that way and second, i want logan to feel like she’s brought along on this journey too. logan LOVES books so i plan on creating a reading wall for her to display and give her easier access to her books. win win.
is it hard to find work-appro, bump-friendly pieces?: YES! and no. but yes! i work in a ‘dress for your day’ environment, which allows me to wear denim when it makes sense, so my denim + maternity tank + blazer combo has been a huge go-to for me this winter, especially while it’s cold. now that we are getting into the warmer months, i plan on doing a lot more [non-maternity] dresses with jackets and booties. i love the thought of maternity-wear, but i have such a hard time pulling the trigger on something i’ll only be able to wear for a few months. i’d rather get creative with what i have and spend the money when i’m closer to my normal size. that being said, it’s imperative to have a few key pieces, like maternity denim, maternity tanks, and some good jackets that fit [NOT maternity. maternity jackets and open sweaters crack me up … there’s pretty much nothing maternity about them].
how did you know you were pregnant?: i’m not sure what it is, but with both pregnancies i felt overwhelmed by some feeling to take a test. with logan, i was N O T expecting it [what a happy surprise that day!], and with this pregnancy, i had taken a couple of tests in the weeks prior and i thought there was no way i was pregnant. i just had a *feeling* and ended up buying a test at work and taking it before leaving that day, and low and behold it was positive. i stopped at the grocery store on my way home and spent WAY too much money on the overpriced, generic brand versions, just to make sure. i was SO excited i wanted it to be [and stay] true! with both we found out right around 5/6 weeks, so the symptoms didn’t hit for a few weeks and i was able to just enjoy the happy, exciting secret with my fam.
biggest craving?: of late it’s been ice cream. first trimester, nothing really, but everything. i’m going to chalk this pregnancy up to ice cream cravings, though, because i’m normally not a huge ice cream fan [give me all the chocolate + pb, cake, and pastries], but i could eat ice cream at all times. thank goodness i haven’t, or i’d be in big trouble, but i definitely have it more often than not every week. i’m also more into red meat than i usually am, which is kind of saying something. i love a good burger, and clearly, so does this kid.
i sincerely appreciate when people reach out to ask me questions about, well, anything really, so feel free! comment here or reach me on instagram. thanks for reading!