gender + size?: baby boy is the size of a squash, a “large jicama” [lol], or a coconut. he feels like a little jujitsu fighter in there, if you ask me.

cravings/aversions?: the ice cream cravings are real, man. joey just KNOWS that if he sees a dairy queen we have to swing in; it’s a non-negotiable.
maternity clothes?: trying to rock dresses as much as possible since getting pants on and off is a task and a chore. the downside to this is i need to keep my legs shaved, a task that’s proving tougher and tougher.
workouts?: walking, but slower than usual. also trying to get in 50 – 100 modified push-ups per day, since that’s one area i can attempt to tone. lolz.
weight gain?: 29 lbs. i am hoping some of that is just swelling/water weight, but i’m starting to get nervous because i can tell my joints hurt more with the extra weight my body isn’t used to. i can’t imagine gaining the extra pounds i will surely pack on in the next two months …
rings on or off?: on! swelling is starting, though, so let’s see if that carries through.
emotions?: so far so good, but i’m starting to stress about getting everything in a really good place to go out on maternity leave. i take my job really seriously, and i want to make sure they are set up for success in my absence, so staring at the next six – seven weeks and all i have to get done is feeling REALLY daunting. so much for “relax now before the baby comes!” [totally not realistic, guys]
any other weird symptoms?: this is so random, and it happened during the first trimester, but i have an increased amount of earwax. SO WEIRD, RIGHT?! i’m also just enjoying the calf and foot cramps during my sleep so i wake up with barbie feet and have to get up and walk around to get them to go away. it feels like i did a calf workout my calves are so sore. can’t complain, though! it could be so much worse on that front.