29 random facts about me

pc: maria lloyd photography

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happy friday! tomorrow is my 29th birthday [no, like, for real. i’m a ’90 baby … missed the ’80s by just a few months!] so i thought i’d share 29 random facts about me. some of you likely know some of these already, but i LOVE reading these kind of posts about other people, so here we are.

  1. i’m a super random person, so this post was pretty fun to write. for real, one of the things that my friends would say about me is that i’m always the one saying some thing super random. makes sense in my head at the time, i guess … *shrugs shoulders*
  2. i graduated from a small high school and loved living in a small town. i like knowing everyone, and even though they sometimes get a bad reputation, i love that we once again live in a small town [small is less than 2,000-ish, to me]. there’s just something about knowing everyone and being able to support others that makes it worthwhile.
  3. i’m kind of annoyed at myself for not getting into working out until AFTER i was done with high school sports. i played softball and can only imagine what else i would have been better at [i quite volleyball, a sport i still love, halfway through high school] had i put in the time and effort. ah well, at least i’m moving my body more now!
  4. i walk on the treadmill for 30 mins almost EVERY morning. read more about why here.
  5. currently prego with my second kid, and i am both MORE excited than with my first and MORE terrified about how i’m going to handle it.
  6. i don’t enjoy being pregnant. don’t confuse that with not being appreciative — the fact that i can carry these babies is a gift that i will NEVER take for granted, but i don’t glow and i’m not all bump. my pants don’t fit, i don’t recognize my body most days, and to be completely honest, i get frustrated at the things i can’t do anymore … like tie my shoes.
  7. no stretch marks from my first pregnancy! [thank you, genetics] i fully realize i just jinxed myself and i’m going to wake up tomorrow full of stretch marks. oh well, small price to pay for this tiny human.
  8. i worked at tanning salons all through high school and college, and because of that, i always need a good glow. what’s that look like nowadays? check out my tanning post here.
  9. my dream company to work for was always target.
  10. i work for target.
  11. my first job at 16 was at target.
  12. i worked the fitting rooms answering phones and looking at all the good clothes … now i just post about all the good target finds i’ve found
  13. a ton of what i wear is from target. half the time people are shocked, but if you take the time to look through the store, there are a TON of really good pieces. i’m personally obsessed with the entire who what wear line.
  14. my professional goal is NOT to be a full-time blogger. i love my corporate career and want to lean into that and grow.
  15. i love blogging and the creative freedom it’s given me. i started this blog after thinking about it for YEARS [so if you’re thinking about it and haven’t taken the plunge, this is your sign]
  16. this is my natural hair, just not my natural hair color. i’ve been getting consistent highlights since i was twelve, so i am not sure i could ever go back to dark. my roots are as dark as it gets.
  17. i LOVE reading other blogs, especially if they are “lifestyle” blogs.
  18. the fab 4 smoothie is probably one of my favorite new ‘things’ i’ve discovered in the last year-ish. i’m actually looking forward to making more of them once i’m on mat leave, since i don’t make them during the week right now [no blenders in the am while the tiny human is *supposed to be* sleeping].
  19. i have a great #girlgang of friends i have had for years. i’m incredibly thankful for text/snap/insta so i can keep up with their lives [especially while i’m being a pregnant bum and not making as many plans with them as i should].
  20. watching my besties become moms is probably one of the coolest things in the world. i’m in awe of how amazing my gal pals are.
  21. i’m electing for another c-section with this kiddo, and have zero regrets or reservations about it.
  22. my first vehicle was a 2000 chevy tahoe, and my feet barely reached the pedals. i loved that thing, even though it was during the time of $3+/gallon gas.
  23. i really, really hate when i spell something incorrectly … to the point where i’ll send a follow up email with the correct spelling. [i realize i’ve likely spelled things incorrectly in my 200+posts on here, and i’ve caught and retroactively fixed some of them. someday i’ll get them all!!!].
  24. i married my high school sweetheart, but not until we were out of high school for 6 years. i was in no rush to get married, and honestly felt really young to be married at 24. to that point, i feel pretty young to have two kids by 29.
  25. i have a lot of grey hairs.
  26. my favorite foods are ranch dressing and reeses [but not together; i’m not a heathen]. i can NEVER get enough of the choc/pb combo.
  27. wrestling is a big part of my life. not only is my husband a high school coach, but prior to working at target i did work in marketing for a wrestling organization.
  28. to that point, i can spot a wrestler [former or current] a mile away. and no, it’s not because of the ears. they just walk and carry themselves differently.
  29. i’m a huge harry potter nerd, but have never seen the movies. i’ve read the books/listened to them on tape MULTIPLE [like, so many] times since they came out, so i don’t want the movies to ruin what i’ve imagined in my head.

there you have it! thanks, as always, for reading 🙂 have a great weekend!

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