april intentions

pc: maria lloyd photography

it’s april fool’s day, but this post is 100% real. i’ve dropped the ball on setting some monthly intentions, but i want to get back to it, especially since the next few months are sure to be a little crazy around our house. i’m setting some intentions for april that i plan on using to make tiny improvements in my life.

finish the baby + logan’s rooms: i don’t want to leave it unfinished as we head to the hospital to have baby #2, so my goal is to have them done before month’s end. along with that i need to stock up on all the things that another baby needs along with stock up on some of logan’s items [summer clothes, diapers, etc.]

a mommy/logie day likely involves a trip to target.

have a mommy/logie day: logan is for real the coolest kid, and i want to spend some time with her before the baby comes. dad is optional, but preferred πŸ™‚

get two weeks of blog posts scheduled out for when baby arrives: part of the whole reason i started this blog is because i felt so alone and so … well, bored during maternity leave, so i don’t want to autopilot the entire time, but i’d like two weeks of not having the pressure to come up with new content. if i do, great, but having two weeks of posts scheduled will help me not feel any pressure.

feel good, not guilty, about leaving work at work: i’m feeling some intense pressure to get as much whipped into shape before i leave, but if i’ve learned anything, it’s that work will always be there, and i’ve set up some pretty great systems to be successful while i step away.

pc: maria lloyd photography

keep up with my daily workouts: i swear that’s why i stayed pretty comfortable until the end [and then some] of my pregnancy with logan, so i’m counting on it carrying me through until 39+weeks with this little guy.

make [and keep] all of my doctor’s appointments: i’m terrible at it … this pregnancy has been pretty low-key, so i have been really bad at actually making my appointments and not pushing them out. luckily my doc isn’t TOO hard on me, but as we get to the end i want to make sure i’m prioritizing what i need to.

rest: yeah, yeah, i know i won’t get any once baby arrives, and it’s hard because i feel pretty good and the time i have off [weekends] there’s so much to do, but i should probs squeeze in a nap or two. this one’s at the bottom of the list since it may or may not happen πŸ™‚

alright moms, any other advice for me in my last month of pregnancy?! i know i already did this once, but it seems so long ago. not to mention i’m mega nervy about how i’m going to juggle two kids, so any practical tips + tricks you can share are extremely welcome! TIA πŸ™‚

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  1. 4.1.19
    Stefanie said:

    Congrats lady!! You are almost there, The home stretch! One piece of advice; if you are planning to nurse baby #2, make sure to have easy to grab and open snacks for Logan. Also some fun toys/activities for her to do while you nurse. Maybe keep them separate from other toys and only pull out when the little man is hungry. It will help ease your stress and make Logan feel special. Good luck to you all! Adjusting from 1 to 2 was a little harder than 2-3 for me. But everyone is different, you got this!

    • 4.1.19

      ahhh!!! such good advice — thanks stef! feel free to send any other nuggets of wisdom my way πŸ™‚