my {updated} morning routine: weekday edition

pc: maria lloyd photography

that title is a little promising, isn’t it? let me explain. i have figured out that if i execute on a routine that i’ve fine tuned over the course of the last few years, i set myself up to have a successful day. i basically have two different frameworks that i use depending on time of week and what’s going on. today i wanted to talk about my workday morning routine framework and the implications it has on the quality of my day.

wake up

i usually get up between 4:45am and 5:15am. i know, it’s early. like the birds aren’t even up, early [truth be told, there are no birds in minnesota right now. it’s too freaking cold.]

work out

getting up this early means i get the option to work out. notice how i say “option”? 1. it’s a choice, and i always want to feel like i’m choosing to move my bod. 2. it’s also an opportunity. when i first had logan and was recovering from my c-section, i didn’t quite realize how much i had missed my morning movement. it sets the tone for my day. for me, this means walking on the treadmill in our basement for half an hour. i browse pinterest and get inspired for the day – outfits, workouts, meals, catching up on blog posts – that half an hour is my time of the day to feed by brain and move my body. trust me – i do not take for granted that i’ve had a pregnancy that has allowed me to stay active, and i credit that to staying as comfortable as i have been this round and with logan.

get ready

this means that every other day i do my hair [thank g for dry shampoo!], and put on my makeup everyday. i really don’t wear much for face makeup, partially because i don’t have the time and can’t be bothered. mascara/blush/contour [bronzer]/highlighter/bronzer/eyeliner/eyeshadow and i’m good [seems like a lot, but it takes me less than seven minutes]. i also pop upstairs to make my coffee, say good morning to joey, and take my vitamins. currently i’m taking these, and LOVE them. i am using the pre-natals, but used the general ones prior to getting pregnant, and i swear i can see a difference in my hair growth with both of them.

get dressed

i try and pick out a handful of outfits that i’m inspired by to keep on rotation throughout the week, and wear them according to:
1. how i feel that day
2. what i have going on at work that day
3. if i’ve shaved my legs

say ‘bye’ to the fam!

this one’s important — i need joey and logan to both know i love them, by telling them in person, each morning. the exception would be on the off chance that logan is still sleeping, but it is really important they hear it directly from me. you never know what could happen in the course of the day, so i am always making sure my loved ones know that they are just that – loved. it’s the same reason i never hesitate to tell my fam i love them on the phone or via text … it doesn’t diminish the meaning by saying it too often, and it gives me a sense of peace.

hop in the car and go!

i used to HATE my commutes [and when an hour turns into three in snowy minnesota winter, i still hate it], but i’ve come to look forward to them by listening to good podcasts. check out some of my faves here.

this usually puts me from rural minnesota to downtown minneapolis by 7:15/7:30am, and i’m in my desk ready to go before others are. i find that if i have that little bit of extra time before my coworkers and team get in, i’m able to gather my thoughts and bring my best self to work.

there you have it! long, but i feel like it’s helpful to see what other people do in the morning. i know i enjoy reading these types of posts, so hopefully you find it valuable. notice anything missing? yep, i don’t really eat breakfast most days unless i’m starving. i’ll get into that at a later date, though, so keep an eye out for a post on that soon.

any tips on what i should add to my morning routine? i’d love to start meditating, but at this point i don’t think i have a minute to spare. i know, i know, it’s probably more value additive than makeup, but what can i say? i need my lashes.

thanks for reading – i appreciate each and every one of you!

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