gender + size?: baby boy is the size a pineapple, or a cantaloupe, if you’d rather.
cravings/aversions?: ice cream ice cream ice cream. i’ve started to feel a little nauseous again, so salads don’t sound as good to me, but i’m still trying to get my veggies in since i know the third trimester is a major growing time for this tiny human. that being said, i had a doughnut for a snack yesterday.
maternity clothes?: yes, although i’m def at the point where i leave a PILE of clothes on the floor every morning because even though i try and have outfits planned out, nothing fits. i did find a new pair of $13 joggers from amazon that are my new favorite pants, though! i originally bought them for while on mat leave, but i’ll be living in them at home until i give birth [and after].
workouts?: walking v. slowly, pushups. nothing super new, but my goal is to stay active up until i have this kid.
weight gain?: 30 lbs., although i popped up a few [+/- 5ish] pounds while on vacation. i am thinking that’s a combo of water retention, humidity, and good food 🙂 it’s crazy how much a body can fluctuate.
rings on or off?: on in minnesota! it was a little harder to get them on and off in florida thanks to the humidity.
emotions?: normal, but slightly panicky! so much left to do, although i started having packages show up on my door daily, so that at least makes me feel like i’m making progress.
any other weird symptoms?: i can feel my stomach stretching like crazy … not sure if it’s just from being so big or if little guy is growing significantly. also suuuuper itchy skin, which is normal with this much stretching. i’m also starting to swell from the waist down, which is a sight.
happy wednesday! thanks for following along 🙂