happy friiiiii-dayyyyyyyy! [i hope you read that in an oprah voice] i’m SO looking forward to a little local getaway with the fam this weekend [heading down to rochester, mn] and some time outside, a little swimming + shopping with logan, and just time to relax and enjoy my fam [plus our extend wrestling family :)] anyways, i am dedicating today’s post to a list + links [where applicable] to all of the #fab4smoothie ingredients i’ll be making sure i have on hand while i’m on mat leave, since i’m going to try to incorporate those this time around and see how i do with keeping my nutrition a little more … on point, let’s say. [last time around i lived on reeses eggs and hearts, which probably wasn’t great for my or logan’s health].
let’s review the #fab4smoothie formula, shall we?
protein + fiber + greens + fat
it’s THAT simple, yet THAT customizable. great, no?
ok, so here are my categories that i’ll be stocking up on prior to having this kid, as well as what i’ll be doing curbside pickup to snag while i have the little dude in the car, *hopefully* sleeping:
- vital proteins [collagen]
- primal kitchen [collagen]
- ancient nutrition [collagen]
- vega [plant based – i do the essentials ones]
- tone it up [plant based]
- olly [plant based]
- chia seeds
- flax seeds [i use ground flax seeds]
- acacia fiber
- mct oil
- nut butter
- cashews/almonds/other nuts
- avocado
- spinach
- kale
pro tip: i freeze mine since sometimes i don’t finish them before they start to go bad, and i feel like they blend even better when frozen!
i’ll be sharing more recipes in the next week — there are a couple lately that i’m LOVING! in the meantime, check out all my other #fab4smoothie goodness here or head over to kelly leveque’s site to get the exhaustive list of amazing recipes