i’ve been getting a lot of questions lately, and even a few sideways glances once i respond, but i wanted to address why i’m electing for another c-section. first of all, i just wanted to say that pregnancy, labor, and how you raise your kid is a highly personal topic, and at the end of the day if everyone is happy and healthy, you did the right thing. that’s it. no judgement. you see, logan was not a planned c-section, but after 36 hours of labor and the little girl was just.not.moving, we had to get her out somehow. she was a decently big baby [9 lb, 9oz], so to be completely honest i’m not all that upset she didn’t come out and cause that sort of damage. there are a number of reasons i’m planning on having another c-section:
- my highly qualified doctor recommends it. that’s first and foremost. now, i know there’s a lot of research out there that talks about the benefits of have a baby born vaginally, and how it’s how our ancestors would have given birth, but you know what would have happened during my first labor had i tried to keep giving birth naturally, ala my cavelady predecessors? i would have died. so i’m going to appreciate modern medicine and all it’s given me, including my daughter and the option to have another child, and go with my doctor’s reco that i’m not a good candidate, considering my history of long labors and big babies [they run in the fam].
- i [kind of] remember and know what the recovery will be like. now, as i mentioned before, i had 36 hours of labor with logan that included a couple of hours of pushing [probably tmi, but this whole post is. whoops, should have warned you sooner!], so there was plenty of damage done in many areas. the way i look at it, barring any additional complications, another c-section can’t be WORSE than my recovery with logan, and i’ve sufficiently forgotten that pain enough to get pregnant again. #mombrain
- i get to plan it. yes, i realize there’s the possibility this little guy might come early and throw off my plans, but when people ask me my due date now i’m like “not sure, i totally forgot, but we are going in to have him on xyz date.” type-a planner me really likes that, ya know? plus, there’s the whole scheduling the kid and the dog to stay with family while we go to have him, so having an idea of when we will need help from our fam is awesome. not to mention, i’ll be able to plan my maternity leave coverage at work a lot easier, and avoid people looking at me like a ticking time-bomb when i kept coming to work after i was due with logan [she was 10 days late].
all this to say, no shame to any mama who decides to have a c-section, VBAC, a natural birth, a doula, a water birth, or any other safe and effective way to deliver a baby. there is far, FAR too much judgement in this world, and as moms we should be banding together and supporting eachother as opposed to telling anyone else with offspring what they should and shouldn’t be doing. because let’s be honest, we are all winging it as we go, right?

i’ve been doing a ton of research on how to optimize this delivery and recovery and will be compiling and sharing what i find in another post in the very near future. in the meantime, if any of you mama’s have had a repeat c-section, PLEASE feel free to send tips + tricks my way! [dm me on instagram or email me at kelseypuncochar@gmail.com]. thanks, as always, for reading!