happy thursday! while i’ve been spending considerably less time in a target than usual, it’s more near and dear to my heart than ever, for a few reasons. first, cole went on his first [and second] target run with me this week. there’s just something so ‘safe’ about bringing your baby to target. you can keep them safe and covered in a cart, but it seems as if there is this unspoken bubble that people give moms with covered car seats in their carts. safe yet approachable — that’s target with a newborn. i’ll get to more about why i love target as a ‘new’ mom later in this post, but first …
… let’s chat about the vineyard vines collection! one of the perks of nursing around the clock is that i was up when things went live and was able to snag a few [lol, if you saw my instastories, more than a few] pieces in addition to what i found in store. there isn’t a ton left online, but here are my favorite pieces that i picked up that are still available to ship:

- this backpack i had ordered both colors, but am only going to keep the navy/pink. it’s actually a touch bigger than it looks online, so it can fit a ton of stuff.
- this duffel is the perfect size for an overnight bag. i’m much more excited about it than i thought i was going to be!
- these swaddle blankets how could i not, with a new kid in the fam?!
- this diaper bag. i know, so extra, but again, how could i not?!
i also picked up some clothes for myself + the kids [SO weird to say that!!!], so cole is the proud owner of a collared onesie and some other whale onesies. logan and i both have quarter zips and i picked up the blue and white striped dress as well, thinking it’ll be a good work dress when i go back to work later this summer. if it’s your kind of thing, go check out your local store and see if they have any left!
pro tip: people will start returning things now, so keep checking your local stores to see what people brought back after their online orders arrived. that’s how i scored some good hunter pieces when target did the collab with them last year.

ok now, on to the newest reason i love target. when i had logan, i was terrified to nurse anywhere but the couch or the bed — it was just so much work and way too many logistics. while i’m making the decision not to nurse in public this time around [more power to you moms who do; i’m just not coordinated enough], i did decide that instead of freaking out and rushing home when cole got hungry at target, i’d seek out one of the nursing rooms over in the fitting rooms and use that. BOY OH BOY was i pleasantly surprised. complete with a comfy chair + table with outlets [nice touch, target :)], i was able to nurse and change cole and continue on with my shopping while he slept. again, target is a safe space for moms, especially moms with newborns, and for that, i can’t thank them enough. and this is coming from “mom kelsey,” not “employee kelsey,” [although employee kelsey appreciates this as well — the mom in me just appreciates the safe space target provides me].
happy thursday – thanks for reading!