happy friday! just popping in today with some interesting bits and pieces [and sales!] i’ve found on the internet this week. oh! one other exciting thing … this weekend marks my one year anniversary of blogging! i remember being so terrified to push it live, but doing so has turned into one of the biggest growing experiences for me. more to come on that in a few days, but thanks for everyone who has hung with me // come across this blog in the last year. to many more!
check out this q & a with a scientist on what we should be eating for brain health. i love stuff like this, and it reinforces my healthy choices!
i re-listened to this podcast [for the second and now third time — full of so many interesting facts + tidbits!!] and am going to start incorporating more bone broth into my diet. i’m not sure if it’s the lack of sleep or the antibiotics wiping out my good gut bacteria, but post-delivery of cole, my already considerable sugar cravings are through the roof. i had some bone broth mid-day the other day, and i’m not sure if it was the placebo effect, but it definitely seemed to help keep me on track and making healthier choices.

nordstrom is having their half-yearly sale! so many good pieces on sale that are for spring/summer, so you can wear them now. i have a ton of stuff in my online cart, but i want to actually try on a few pieces. cole might be making his first nordstrom trip here soon ๐

my mom just ordered me this shirt from j.crew to commemorate my pregnancy [and now post-partum] cravings ๐ thanks mom! i’m totally going to style it with cute pants and a blazer when i head back to the office, because my dq runs were well-known.
i really want to add in morning pages as part of my morning routine [once i have a new one established … right now we are just trying to get as much sleep as possible, and that looks like an early morning ‘nap’ ;)]. here’s an interview on why it’s so beneficial to ALL of our creativity, whether or not we identify as a creative.
hope you all have a great, safe, fun holiday weekend!
Congrats darling on a full year of putting yourself out there! Youโre my role model – both for zen and happiness on day to day and for grabbing a dream and executing on it!
thanks – thanks for being a loyal reader ๐