ok first off, did you notice i had my roman numerals backwards in last week’s post? ha, i fixed it, but it only took a week 🙂

anyways, week 7 with baby cole! i told joey the other day that “it’s crazy to think that two months ago i was pregnant” because it really is. it feels like he’s been here with us forever already and the pregnancy was ages ago. crazy! let’s get to this week’s rundown, shall we?
physically: physically i’m feeling better than ever [well, better than i’ve felt since i got pregnant]. i actually went through the torturous act of trying on my jeans + pants, and i had forgotten that pregnant me had done something very kind for postpartum me: i had divided my bottoms into two categories: ones you might be able to fit in in the first 6+ months, and ones you probably don’t want to try on unless you’re done nursing, for risk of ruining your day. thanks, me-7-months-ago. highly recommend doing this.

i’ve been back to yoga twice and barre once, and boy did it feel good to get out and do some stretching + strength workouts in a class setting. i am going to have to figure out a good groove once i go back to work, because i forgot how much i love classes.
also, i feel like i should note [and be SUPER grateful] that all of those aches and pains that plagued me throughout pregnancy [heartburn, nausea, rib pain, back pain, etc.] are all gone, like, the minute you have the kid. i forgot to stop and be thankful for that after i had cole, but it’s true: it goes away when you have the kid.
mentally/emotionally: feeling more like myself with each day, which is awesome. i remember after i had logan all the way until i was back at work for about a month, i kept wondering if i was ever going to be “me” again. your “me” is different in the sense that you have had a series of experiences that make you different now, but you do get back to “me.” i’m looking at my last few weeks of maternity leave and making plans to go back to work, and i’m starting to feel more and more like myself than ever. having that on the foreseeable horizon is helpful. now, i know there are plenty that don’t share that sentiment, or don’t want to return to work, or aren’t returning to work, and that’s ok too! some of my very best friends stay home with their littles, and let me tell you it’s the toughest job one could ever take. seriously. i get to go to work and for a few hours, place the worry of the care of my child[ren] on a shelf since i know there is nothing i can control. i get to pee alone. i get to run an errand, if i need to, and DRINK HOT COFFEE. being in control of not only a little one’s basic needs and safety, but learning and socialization is the hardest, most noble job there is. for real, all of you moms, no matter what you do for your “day job” have my utmost respect and empathy. i feel like this might be turning into a post for another day 🙂
i’ve found that by just breathing deeply and slowly [i know, sounds so hippie dippie] through cole’s fussy spells i’m better able to remain present and not get frustrated. with logan i worried with every little cry was something wrong. was she sick? was she hurt? oh my goodness did she have a head injury and i didn’t know it?! this is where the second child is easier, in my opinion. you are just more chill, and your baby picks up on your chill vibes. if cole gets fussy, i am able to remain calm and calm him. and if i can’t, i just go get joey.
it sounds so cliche, but the days truly are long but the years are short. the best reminder of this is my snapchat app – it shows me all the snaps i had of logan exactly a year ago. its amazing and so humbling how fast time goes by. it’s my daily reminder that the time with these kids is so fleeting, so i need to enjoy even the less-than-perfect moments.
happy wednesday, friends, and thanks for reading.