hi friends! it occurred to me that i haven’t checked in yet with how i did on my june intentions and set some intentions for july. well, i didn’t exactly knock it out of the park for my june intentions, so i’m going to be keeping them for july as well. check out below for more on what i’ll be trying to do in the month of july:

- get outside: june went well! i sat on the deck, our patio, and went on lots of walks, and i plan to keep doing that. ill be going back to work this month, so i think it’s reasonable that i try to take one lunch a week outside once i’m back into the swing of things [so most likely august]
- use reusable shopping bags when i’m grocery shopping: FAIL. i’m keeping this one one the list and need to figure out a good system. any tips for me? by the time i get to the grocery store i realize i have no reusable bags in my car because i forget to bring them back out after i’m done putting my groceries away. send me alllllll the tips on systems for this one, please!
- dial in my nutrition: ehhhhh. to be honest, i ended up getting a little burnt out of trying to be so perfect at what i was doing [more on that later] that i kind of just decided to eat what i felt like, with a mind for “what is this doing for me AND my baby?” i think i’m going to just try to stick to kelly leveques #fab4plate principle for this month and see how it goes, especially since i’m going back to work and things are going to be hectic. i also want to make sure i keep my milk supply up – that is priority numero uno. i did end up trying some sakara meals in the month of june, and they were PHENOMINAL. i will be trying a full week of those here in the coming months.
- clean out my closet, like, FOR REAL: SO CLOSE to having everything up on my poshmark page!! i went through everything, now i just need to finish photographing and posting.
ok, adding two new ones for july!
- build. that. freezer stash!: seriously, i’ve been doing a decent job during my maternity leave, but i know that that’s going to slow down now that i’m going to be pumping enough to leave cole with at daycare, so anything else i can get stashed away is going to be great! time to spend the next two weeks building a solid milk supply. send tips mamas!
- hot water and lemon: i see the benefits in my skin and digestion when i do it regularly. bonus points for pink salt + a shot of ACV.

have a great start to the week!