cole is officially two months old today! i always tell new moms [i’m chock full of unsolicited advice, just ask me] that right around the three month mark is when babies get “fun,” but i think that it’s starting now. cole is smiling and cooing and just getting cute and full of a sweet, go-with-the-flow baby personality. he lets logan be the star of the show, which works 🙂
let’s get to it.

physically: still feeling good! i started having a #fab4smoothie in the mornings now that my sleep is getting a little more regular and my hunger hormones are regulating. even though the smoothie formula makes is SUPER filling, when i was in the first six weeks of breastfeeding, my hunger hormones were OUTTA CONTROL and i couldn’t get/stay full to save my life. now that things have evened out a bit, i find that the smoothie keeps me full and satisfied while being able to add in all kinds of good ingredients to help boost my milk supply [flaxseed, anyone?].

i didn’t get to yoga as much as i’d like, but that was because were having some family days out and about [zoo! waterpark! carnival!]. my plan is to get back to it next week. still getting moving [walking, usually] everyday.
i did get my first clogged duct [ever — never had one with logan], and that sucked. i kept waiting for it to turn into mastitis. i would walk around going “is that a chill? or just the ac?” – lol. no mastitis, by the way. v thankful for that.

mentally/emotionally: we’ve gone on quite a few outings now as a fam of 4, and it’s feeling pretty seamless to have cole a part of our lives. not easy, but seamless. like he belongs with us instead of being the new tiny stranger we have to bring everywhere because the lucky dude gets to eat every few hours. it’s helping to normalize our lives and make me feel better about being the parent of two in general.
i think it’s also helping to now have my return to work date coming up so soon. i really truly miss all of my coworkers and am looking forward to moving into the next chapter and learning the new routine. like joey and i were talking about, we are going to get a new routine here in the next few weeks, and then we will modify that routine when summer is over and joey is back in school only a few weeks after that. i have been saying that “it doesn’t get easier, you just get better,” in regards to having another kid, and i feel like the progression of new routines in the next few months is really going to prove that.
overall, i’m feeling more and more like myself everyday. the new myself, that is. thanks again for following along!