two new #fab4smoothie recipes

hi! if you’ve been following along on my instastories, you may have seen that i have joey and *occasionally* logan on the #fab4smoothie train. to be honest, it does my heart good to be able to make something for them that i know is healthy and they will actually eat. in doing so, i’ve been able to fine tune a few new favorite #fab4smoothie recipes. logan is peanut/tree nut free, so hers is always made with sunflower butter. joey is great and will eat/drink whatever i put in front of him, but i want him to like it, ya know? so we have been experimenting and i feel like i’ve really found a couple of great recipes that even the pickiest of smoothie drinkers will like.

kid-tested, mom-approved #fab4smoothie recipe [logan’s go-to]

protein: ancient nutrition bone broth protein [chocolate]
fat: sunflower butter [1-2 Tbs]
fiber: chia seeds
greens: frozen spinach
extras: a little bit of cacao powder and 1/4 – 1/2 of a banana; ripple pea protein milk [logan’s peanut/tree nut free, so this is the milk she drinks at home. i add in a splash of the chocolate kind]
the sunflower butter gives it a really creamy texture and the protein powder + the cacao gives it a really chocolatey taste. you can’t even taste the spinach! [not that you ever can]

peanut butter + chocolate #fab4smoothie recipe

this is my new favorite that i’ve been making for joey and i nearly every day for the last few weeks:
protein: quest peanut butter protein [if you don’t like whey protein, tone it up makes a really good peanut butter protein as well] AND ancient nutrition chocolate collagen.
fat: trader joe’s mixed nut butter OR simply balanced chunky almond butter
fiber: flax seeds [a LOT … they are supposed to help with lactation!]
greens: frozen spinach + frozen zucchini/frozen cauliflower
extras: 1 cup of almond milk + water to desired texture
we have literally been drinking this every day and it’s SO good. joey even comments on how [comfortably] full he feels throughout the day after having one of these. my trick is to add the cauliflower or zucchini to add volume for little to no blood sugar impact.

SO good. i’ve talked up and down [and all over my instagram] about how much i love my #fab4smoothies, and am always on the lookout to try new ingredients + recipes. do you drink them? i’d love to hear what your go-to recipes are! drop them below or comment on my latest instagram.

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