tarzhay thursday // re-stocks and most used

happy thursday! i know i post a lot of clothes on here [that’s not gonna change ;)], but i wanted to take today to post some of the items i frequently purchase at target. the stuff i restock again and again.

i’ve talked about it multiple times, but i LOVE the kristin ess hair line. i use the purple shampoo and conditioner multiple times a week. in between purple shampoos i’ll use this kristin ess shampoo and this conditioner.

i also use and love this curling iron. i have the one with the clamp, since i’m not talented enough to not burn myself with the one without.

i’ve been using native deodorant lately as well. when i say lately, i mean in the last six months. i read multiple posts and articles about why natural deodorant is better for you, and while i don’t see a HUGE difference, i notice that i don’t sweat as much anymore and the smell is great, so that’s good enough for me! a little goes a long way, which is why i’ve justified the cost. i also use this kind as well – smells SO good [but not in an overpowering way].

i love that target has started to carry more brands that are in the health and wellness space, and some of my favorite products i can now pick up there instead of ordering online and waiting for them to ship. talk about instant gratification. here are some that i just bought another round of:

this protein powder [most recently featured in this blog post]

this coffee creamer [i make joey use it in his coffee]

these protein bars [pro tip: put them in your freezer. SO GOOD. trust me.]

also these ones [LOVE the peanut butter sea salt ones]

this whole line of dressings and marinades [made with avo oil. we go through SO.MUCH.RANCH]

i can’t tell you how great it is i can turn to target for not only fun stuff, but items i use to feed my family with and feel good about it.

have a great day!

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