the glycemic index, what i wore this week, and a podcast you HAVE to hear

it’s fri-yay! if you are like me, fridays are a catch-all day of things at work; important meetings that nobody else had time for, emails that have been hanging out in your inbox all week, and maybe cleaning your desk. today’s post is kind of like that — some important things + some that are more fun. well, they’re all fun, but read on and you’ll get what i’m saying.

the glycemic index isn’t actually that legit

ok, i’ve never been one to really look into or trust the glycemic index as a source of “what should i be eating?” but i find it interesting. i know that i shouldn’t be spiking my bloodsugar every couple of hours [thanks to my nutritionist that doesn’t know she is my nutritionist, kelly leveque] because i’ve felt the afternoon slump that comes from having the pasta, the bagel, the bread [although do i regret good ravioli? no.] but i found this article interesting, although the conclusion was kind of a “duh”, since foods all affect us differently. anyways, thought i’d share since it seems like a lot of you are as interested in the random ‘wellness’ info as well. it really just made me hungry for watermelon.

if you do one thing this week, listen to this podcast

it’s no secret that i’m a huge fan of the girls from the skimm. not only are carly and danielle right around my age and built this incredibly successful business, it’s useful and the content they share is highly valuable to me. enter this week’s skimm’d from the couch podcast episode with mel robbins. YOU GUYS. i ran right out and bought her (self-published) audiobook. i’m really looking forward to diving into that, because i’m a big fan of quick tips/tricks/hacks to really elevate my life [hence why i love the #fab4smoothie so much]. more to come!

what i’m wearing

the number one thing i get dm’ed about is dairy queen [which i LOVE]. a quick second is about what i’m wearing [which i also LOVE], so i’m trying to get better about sharing deets on my page. i’ve also started shooting my weekly outfits, so expect to see those on the blog here soon!

have a great weekend!

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