enneagram obsessed

is it just me, or do you love anything that can “tell you about who you are”? i love the whole myers-briggs test concept [i waver between ENFJ and INFJ depending on the day – no joke] and have taken the strengthsfinder as well and shared it with my boss — proactively. while calling it a “craze” kind of minimizes the legitimacy of it, i love the newly popular enneagram quiz and all of the analysis that goes along with it. here are some of my favorites and the analysis for my enneagram (i’m a 5w6, btw).

the og enneagram test

here is the original enneagram test. i have taken it quite a few times thinking i’m one thing, and every single time it comes back i’m a 5, usually a 5w6. i’m an “investigator” and if you include the wing, “the problem solver.” more explanation of a 5 says that i have a tendency to want to know how and why when it comes to a lot of things, but to learn through observing vs. participating. um, yes. i always say i like to know the gossip but don’t ever really want to be in the middle of it. it also means that i have this fear of being inadequate, so knowing that i won’t even attempt something. UM, MORE YES. i have to push myself and lean into my fear to start things that i know i won’t be good at or make me uncomfortable. i took the second test and ended up being a 9w1, the peacemaker, which actually fits more of my personality in a lot of areas, so my analysis will incorporate both. ok, on to the fun stuff.

career advice

the everygirl has quite a few good articles on enneagram, but i loved ‘career advice you need to hear based on your enneagram‘. type 5 advice has to do with working from home and being in your own space, which i am actually on the fence about. don’t get me wrong, i love working from home so i can crank through work i have (not to mention save myself two hours of commuting), but i also love the advice for the 9’s considering it’s about constructive conflict and the need for it. i could definitely take a lesson in the benefits of hashing it out in the workplace (respectfully, of course).

image source

here is another really great resource on how to lean into your enneagram type in the workplace. mine hits the nail on the head with often times not moving quickly enough into action because i don’t feel like i have enough information.


you can get your own free download here!

the glitter guide has a beautifully illustrated version of how your creativity manifests itself (with a free download of the imagery!). as a 5, i’m a “thinker;” one that has a lot of deep thoughts and a lot of questions. i’m not sure how deep my thoughts get, but i do know i’m full of q’s. probably why i end up calling my very smart brother on my way home from work every day to talk foreign and domestic policy. as a 9, i’m in the same kind of boat – a “dreamer.” makes sense … i have big ideas, but sometimes putting them into practice is easier said than done.

want some good insight on your wings? check out this article from well + good. my 5w6 leans toward really believing in my ideas (true) and some skepticism about the world (also true). interesting!

have you taken any of the enneagram tests? are they true about you? i’m so curious — let me know! comment on my latest insta or below.

thanks for reading!

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