let’s talk about bloating

what a sexy title, right? talk about click-bait … *eyeroll*

but seriously, i really took for granted how much i DIDN’T have to worry about feeling bloated when i was pregnant. at least towards the last half of my pregnancies, because you’re more pre-occupied with whatever else is in you abdominal cavity. let’s be honest: the bloating is real in those first twelve+ weeks, but you’re either so excited or so nauseas it’s not as big of a deal.

fast forward to being a couple of months post-baby, your body is back to normal (i’m laughing hysterically at that one; spoiler alert: your body doesn’t go back to normal), and you remember what it’s like to pretend you’re pregnant because you’re so bloated by the end of the day (another spoiler alert: that’s not actually what a pregnant belly looks or feels like, but i keep playing that game too).

anyways, it’s something we all experience at one point or another. i, for one, find that i bloat a lot when i am eating like crap on a regular basis. not a revolutionary finding, i realize, but i’m also impatient as heck and want a fix, like, now, so i figured i’d round up some of my quicker remedies.

quick fixes for bloating

i actually kind of hate calling it that, but “the faster of the slow solutions” doesn’t sound as catchy. here’s what i do when i’m feeling chronically bloated:

  1. drink more water. i know, you know, we all know. but seriously, easier said than done. and i’m one of those people that LOVES bubbles, so my water is usually sparkling of some sort. i find that that doesn’t make me bloated in a way that is more than just drinking a lot of water, so i can have it. but chug the h20, friends, because it helps flush the system out. i have a 32oz water cup on my desk at work and on my nightstand at home, and i drink multiple of them each day. issue here: i drink crystal light because i hate normal water. more on that below.
  2. eat more real foods. i am the KWEEN of finding a protein bar and eating the s**t out of it, because it’s healthier than eating candy (check out some of my protein bar recos here). i honestly find that when i have protein bars, i don’t refill the candy jar on my desk, because i can’t stay outta that. and i’m not saying that’s bad at all, because it’s definitely a healthier swap, but i find when i’m eating too many too often, i get really bloated. issue here: i’ve been having them as my snacks vs. real food lately.
  3. go to sleep. getting unbroken sleep is super helpful in helping the digestive system reset, and i can speak from experience on this one. try and get a full 8 hours and see how you feel when you wake up … it’s night and day (no pun intended) issue here: i’ve not only been getting broken sleep due to waking up to nurse cole, but i wake up hungry and usually have some sort of midnight snack. lookin’ at you, jar of peanut butter.
  4. ACV and chill. apple cider vinegar has a myriad of benefits, but blood sugar regulation is one of them. i take one sip in the AM, and while it’s not immediate, it’s one of those foundational practices i feel like sets me up to have a successful, minimally bloated day.
  5. cut the sugar. issue with this: sugar is in everything, and i love sugar. i’m not talking like fruit-sugar; i’m talking the sugar that’s in my crystal light i drink, the sauces i use, and the blizzards i eat. yep, i said it.
  6. take probiotics. i realize that these work differently for everyone, but find the probiotic that works for you. i have shared before how much i love these ones. oh, and make sure you are eating plenty of prebiotic foods, too.
find my fave probiotics here

here’s the thing: i didn’t have to do any deep diving into research or articles from authorities on this because i know what to do. i know the big things that make me bloated and feel like crap. it saps so much energy from my body to try and digest all of the things i put in it, but i need to get some of that precious energy back. i am working on outlining how i want to try to clean up my act, and i’ll be sharing very soon (like, next week soon).

thanks for reading!

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