happy september friends! i love this month. i was always that kid that loved going back to school, and there’s just something about the labor day holiday that really just flips it to a new chapter. today i wanted to share what i’m hoping to accomplish in september – my september intentions.
but first, let’s revisit a couple of my august intentions and see how i did. you can see the full post here, but i’m happy to say that i not only brought my own lunch 3+ days a week [a pretty big feat for me!], but i also didn’t buy anything for myself, clothes-wise, since setting that intention! that was a huge one for me. i honestly feel like it kept me from impulse buying a lot of fall stuff i might not have worn, just because i’m ready for the season to change. it was a great exercise in wearing what i own, and i think i might implement a ‘no buy’ month as the seasons change just to help me from impulse buying.
ok, so for september, i just have one big intention and one big goal. i’m calling it an intention, because it’s something i really want to do, but i’m not going to be heartbroken if i slip up and it’s not perfect. my goal, on the other hand, is something i am VERY dedicated to right now and i’d feel pretty disappointed if i don’t reach it.
my intention:

do a soft whole 30. what is a “soft whole 30” you ask? i wrote about it last week, but basically i want to incorporate a lot of the whole 30 principles into my life without the harsh “screw up, start over” mentality. i eat pretty healthy, but i need to cut more crap out of my diet to help improve my energy levels and make sure i can keep my milk supply up. speaking of my milk supply …
my goal:

keep breastfeeding through the month of september. cole is almost four months old, and eating a ton but not starting solids yet. this is one of the toughest points of breastfeeding, and i just need short goals at this point. i want to make it through september and then see where things are at. i’m not going to lie, it’s tough and trying to make the time to pump (usually four times a day!) at work is a lot, but i want to take it as far as i can.
these are two lofty undertakings for me, but the rewards are so great, i’m willing to make the sacrifices to get there [and share what’s working along the way!]. keep an eye out for more ‘soft whole 30’ + breastfeeding content as the month goes along, if that’s your thing.
as always, thanks for taking the time to read! i appreciate each and every one of you that stops by my little corner of the internet. happy fall, y’all!