5 ways to make your morning easier

pc: maria lloyd photography

note: i posted yesterday about how to prepare for monday, and i referenced this post. it’s worth sharing again how prepping for your morning the night before is crucial in setting up your day to be successful.

as a former morning-hater, i have done allllll the research on how to make your morning go a little more smoothly, and now have the anecdotal evidence to prove that you can, indeed, be a functioning, and -dare i say- happy person in the AM. you have heard me talk about my morning routines a number of times, but here’s how i really make it work [especially now that i have two kids].

prep the night before

sounds so old school but seriously, the easiest mornings start the night before. what does that mean? my lunch is made, my outfit options are laid out, and i know if i have to allow time to fully do my hair or just dry shampoo it. my pump, computer, purse/keys/wallet are all tucked away in my bag, and most of the time i know that there is gas in my vehicle. if there isn’t i know i need to wake up ten minutes earlier to accommodate. it’s easy to want to just overlook all the work you can do at night to set yourself up for success, but seriously don’t. i’m to the point now where if i know something i could do to make my morning easier isn’t done, it nags at me when i go to bed. not a calming situation at all.

have outfit options

i talked about this in point #1, but there is nothing worse than not feeling like what you picked out and now you are at square one. i always have a couple of options that allow for waking up feeling bloated, something that would give me a little extra oomph, or something a little more business dress vs. business casual for that last minute meeting that got thrown on my calendar. the best part is, you don’t have to switch out ALL of your options day after day; you can keep the ones you didn’t wear as options. having trouble picking out your outfits? never fear; check out this blog post for my formula.

work out

get your workout in in the AM. pc: maria lloyd photography

if you can, get your workout in in the morning. i talked about it here, but it’s so impactful on starting your day off well – mentally and physically. it doesn’t have to be a total crusher of a workout [although def can be if you want!], but even just a walk around the block is SO great for giving you time to think and really get your body moving.

find a little ‘treat’ for yourself in the AM

is it your morning coffee? a quick 5 min face mask? that certain kind of orange sparkling water you can only get at that one specific gas station or on amazon? figure out how to treat yoself in the morning and it won’t seem so hard to spring out of bed.

get centered, then get smart

the morning is a great time to take a few minutes to just breathe, especially if you are up before everyone else. it doesn’t have to take a long time, but take a few moments to be grateful. then turn on the news/a podcast/an audiobook; anything that you can add to your routine to maximize your time learning. i can’t tell you how many times i hear something in the morning that i then see/realize/put into practice throughout my day. the power of cognitive recognition is real, you guys.

there you have it! is every morning perfect? no. but i’ve somehow managed to turn myself into a “idk how i’m going to have a real job because i can’t have a class before 10am” college student into an “up by 5!” lady.

anything to add? what’s your morning routine like? i’d love to know more! comment below or on my latest instagram.

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