living in this digital age is awesome for a lot of reasons. the amount of information that we have at our fingertips is absolutely astounding, and i’ve come to realize that a good portion of the products i use, i use because someone has recommended them. sometimes, that’s someone in my “real” life, and sometimes, that’s because of someone online. coming out of that, i’m happy to bring you my “#influenced” series, which is going to focus on products, experiences, and places i’ve tried or am interested in trying based on what i’ve heard from other people.
#influenced by: my sis-in-law

after finally seeing it EVERYWHERE, i finally hopped on board of the billie razor train. i mean, i’m getting my life on a subscription in every other facet [hello, vitamins + probiotics], so why not my razors? it’s only when i need it most that i realize i’m out of fresh razor heads, and billie takes care of that for you. plus, the colors are cute. never has there been such an instagrammable razor, right?
#influenced by: my badass mom

i’ve talked about it before, but my mom is in g-reat shape. due to her dedication to her personal well-being, i’m able to piggyback on some of the cool tech + good-for-you trends she tests out. recently, she gifted me the mirror, and so far, it’s LEGIT. the tech is cool, music in the classes is awesome, and let’s be honest: it makes for an aestetically pleasing mirror for a good ‘ol #mirrorselfie. i got a couple of questions on it when i put it on my instagram, so if you guys are interested, i’ll do a full review once i use it a little more!

#influenced by: some of my favorite coworkers
michelle obama’s book (for obvious reasons … i mean, michelle obama guys) was recommended to be, along with this book as well. the two women that recommended them to me are two that i respect, so i’ll gladly use my amazon audible credits on the books they say are worth the read. or listen.
#influenced by: pinterest
i created a section on my fashionista pinterest board for all of the trends i’m loving right now. think {faux} leather pants, biker shorts, and shoulder details.
#influenced by: kendra scott
i love, LOVE hearing about companies that do good. i listened to this podcast with kendra scott recently, and it made me like her even more. i already own some of her jewerly and have given it as gifts before, but i’ve added it to my list of “companies i want to support” due to her nature of treating her employees and her community well.
also, it’s worth noting that i have been iterating on the layout/color/theme of the blog. thanks for bearing with me! i personally i am refining my personal brand, and along with that, the blog. keep your eye out for more good things in the coming weeks! thanks for hanging in there with me have a great weekend!
Thanks for the shout out toots. But you’re my #1baddassinfluencer ! Can’t begin to tell you how many subscriptions I have and things I’ve tried that are helping my quest to be able to keep up with the littles! Love you and keep inspiring the world!

Meant to say the number of things I’ve tried that are influenced by you! Still learning adeptness at the tech thing