what self-care looks like these days

self-care is such a loaded word. to some, it means spa days and week-long retreats. to others, it looks like getting a full 8 hours. to me, it’s pretty simple since i try to keep my life streamlined to make sure that i can keep up with my family // work // kids // hobbies. i’ve come to realize that my self-care regimen changes, but there are some absolute non-negotiables in this season of my life.


ahh, good ‘ol sleep. i’m an 8-hours-a-night kinda girl, and having tiny children impacts that. especially one that is up a minimum of two times a night to nurse. instead of just saying screw it, and foregoing sleep for the near future, i go to bed early. like, so early. my kids are bathed before 8 and we *try* to be in bed, snuggling, by 8pm. logan goes to bed between 8-8:30, and my hope is that cole is already asleep. an ideal night looks like my eyelids closed y 9pm. does that always happen? no. but that’s what i’m shooting for. if i don’t get enough sleep, i feel it physically AND mentally. they really aren’t kidding about the carb and sugar cravings that go along with lack of sleep; i was feeling that hard when i was in my first two months of postpartum. getting enough sleep means i’m able to make sound decisions and not be a total basket case throughout my day. no sleep = stress, meaning increased cortisol. cortisol = fat storage and other harmful effects on the body, and i’m just all about avoiding all of the above. sleep is king, in my household.


logans been taking to workout with me. it’s the cutest thing ever!

for some people, workouts are a chore. i’ve learned to love, and now crave, my time on the treadmill. i’m able to really get 30 minutes to myself before the day starts, and work up a sweat while getting inspired looking at pinterest and reading other blogs/stories/articles. in addition to my 30 minute treadmill workouts, i’ve started adding shorter barre, yoga, and strength workouts with the mirror. i am LOVING it so far, especially since logan has started to come do it with me (sidenote: girl can do a MEAN three-legged dog!). it’s important that my kids, daughter especially, grow up seeing their mom take care of herself.

prioritizing protein, veggies, and collagen

i was going to call this section “eat well,” but that’s so generic. i have really been focusing on getting more protein in my life lately since i noticed that i wasn’t really eating enough and was feeling really tired by mid-afternoon. like, SO tired. i got home and could barely function, which was a problem. these days when i get home from work, i’m usually handed a baby that needs to eat the minute i get in the door. from there it’s dinner, coloring, playing, and trying to take care of a few household chores (apparently clean clothes and dishes are a thing). instead of getting annoyed i don’t get to even pee by myself, i figured out that i needed to tweak some things to make sure i wasn’t a complete jerk the minute i walked in the door. i only get a few precious hours, if that, with joey, logan, and cole, and i want to give them the best kelsey i possibly can. this is a very long-winded way of saying, protein throughout my day helps me do that.

veggies, on the other hand, are usually not too big of an issue, but boy-oh-boy do i notice when i don’t get enough. i am bloated, crabby, and just don’t feel like i function well. i also prioritize veggies for that exact reason.

oh, and collagen? collagen is one of those things that you don’t notice the benefits until you stop ingesting as much. i try to get collagen from whole food sources (what’s up, bone broth!), but i also make sure and use a combo of proteins in my smoothies, one of which is a collagen. that’s why when i share my #fab4smoothie recipes, you’ll almost always see a collagen protein in there. it adds protein (win-win!) and i can tell that it’s helping with my postpartum hair loss, my hair growth, and the strength of my nails.


you guys know this, but i have a very long commute each way, five days a week. i’m averaging 12 – 15 hours a week in the car, so podcasts are my best friend. i listen to a wide variety depending on what i have going on that day and what kind of knowledge i’m looking for, but a few of my new favorites are poppy harlow’s boss files, influencer radio, and with whit.

treat yo’self

that, to me, looks like blizzards. you guys also know this. i love me some ice cream with chunks in it (the more chunks of candy, the better), and dq blizzards do that for me. do i feel the effects the next morning? sometimes. is it worth it? 100%. it’s become a love language for joey and i. i value the few minutes i actually stay awake to eat it with him, and we can whisper very softly about our day (can’t wake that sleeping baby! you know how i value sleep ;))

my self-care non-negotiables are simple these days, but they’re the foundation of a happy, healthy mom/wife/co-worker/friend. what about you? what self-care practices are important to you? i’d love to hear! comment below or hit me up on instagram.

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