october intentions

my basic self is rejoicing; it’s october! bring on the psl’s (i don’t actually drink them), the plaid scarves (i wear those), and all things fall. living in minnesota is really the best because we get to experience FALL, even if it’s a short amount of time between 70 degrees (yesterday) and snow (i’m sure we will see it in the forecast shortly).

while “fall” technically starts in september, october really feels like the beginning of the fall season (aka the pre-game to christmas) to me. before i launch into my october intentions, however, let’s take a quick look at some of my september intentions and how i did:

september intentions – recap

do a soft whole 30: i’ve done a pretty good job at cleaning up an already pretty clean diet, but of course it wasn’t perfect. i wasn’t striving for perfection, just getting better, so i consider that a win. see more on why i’m doing that here my guidelines for myself here.

keep breastfeeding through september: ok, so cole started formula yesterday (at daycare). didn’t quite make it until the end with him exclusively breastfed, but i came close. i’m still nursing when i’m with him, but winding down the pumping at work, because it’s become way too stressful to try to keep up AND care for my family and self. i wish i would have been this graceful with myself with logan, because that caused me immense stress and angst when she was a baby. fed really is best.

ok, so there’s my recap. overall, september was a great month living in grey areas, where i didn’t clearly define my goals (intentionally), just trying to be a little bit better every day. on to october!

october intentions

embrace fall recipes/ingredients: everywhere you go, you see “pumpkin-this” and “apple cider-that,” and instead of somewhat scoffing but really loving it, i’m embracing it. bring on the butternut squash, the cinnamon. i want to challenge myself to really use the ingredients that are in season in the fall and learn to cook some new recipes. which brings me to my next point …

bring my lunches to work [again]: after i nailed august’s intention to bring my lunch to work 3 days a week, i realized how great it was for my health, my time, and my wallet. time to drum that up again, but with some new recipes because i need to branch out. i’m not the steve jobs-type and can’t wear a uniform or eat the same things every day. i want to commit to another 3 days a week, since i have WAY more lunch meetings scheduled this month.

play: logan asks me to play with her all the time, and i want to punch myself every time i say “honey, mommy’s sending an email/finishing a blog post/working/cleaning.” she’s not going to remember that i had something “important” to do, and the email/blog post/innumerable crumbs on the floor can wait. i am going to challenge myself to drop what i’m doing at least once a day and play with her, when she asks. bonus points if i initiate the play (“hey logan, want to come color with me?” “let’s read to baby cole together”). there’s a million and one things do, but what are my kids really going to remember about me?

ok, so three intentions this month, but they are three pretty lofty goals. let’s see how i do!

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