protein freezer fudge recipe

hi friends! i legitimately hate recipe posts that require a novel before the actual recipe, so let’s get to the good stuff – the protein freezer fudge recipe:

i originally found this recipe when listening to kelly leveque interviewed on one of the many podcasts she’s been on. i’ve taken her recipe and tweaked it to suit my tastes and i encourage you to do the same. this is one of my favorite [and easiest!] things to make ahead of a busy week.

tastes much better than it looks, i promise!


measurements aren’t exact; i usually eyeball it and it turns out just fine

  • coconut oil (liquid or solid) [1 cup-ish]
  • cacao powder [not cocoa powder] [one heaping spoonful]
  • bone broth based protein [one heaping serving]
  • optional: pb2 [spoonful]
  • optional: almond/nut butter [a couple of spoonfuls]

how to:

  1. if your coconut oil is solid, melt it in the microwave. if you’re opting to include nut butter, i usually melt that too so that it’s easier to mix.
  2. once your base is liquid, add in the powders – cacao, protein, pb2 if you desire.
  3. mix.
  4. pour into ice cube trays and pop in freezer.
    IMPORTANT! make sure you have a flat surface prepared in your freezer, because it sucks to carefully walk over with a drippy tray of liquid and realize you need to rearrange your tj’s cauliflower gnocci bags to make a flat surface. speaking from experience.
  5. add optional toppings: himalayan sea salt, coconut flakes, etc.
  6. let freeze for 15+ minutes.
  7. pop out when you need a treat and enjoy!

seriously, it’s that easy. 6 steps is a stretch. i use these when i need to satisfy a raging sweet tooth, because the protein powder + cacao add the sweetness and the healthy fats in coconut oil turns off some of your hunger hormones. if you want the real scienc-y stuff, check out kelly leveque. if you’re not one for the science, just trust me on this one — these are good.

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