take your vitamins – the vitamins i HIGHLY recommend

there’s just something about taking your vitamins that feels so adult. it’s kind of like cooking and eating brussel sprouts – you’re a more sophisticated, responsible person for it. people can trust you to pet-sit, you’re that responsible. i never used to remember to take my vitamins until i came across ritual. now, i found out about ritual the standard millennial way – through someone i follow [i think it was lauryn evarts of the skinny confidential, actually]. nowadays, it’s not enough to just shove an ad in front of my face. i need to know if your product is good for me and that your company actually does good for the world. ritual is just that.

good for me

let’s start with the ‘good for me’ component. ritual vitamins were borne of a need for high quality, bio-available vitamins made specifically for women. what exactly does “bio-available” mean? now, i’m not a scientist, but the way i understand it, it means that i comes in a form that our bodies can actually use. to me, that also means that not all vitamins are created equal. there are no fillers; nothing unnecessary.

good for the world

i want to know that the companies i choose to invest my hard earned dollars in are doing something good for the world in addition to creating great products. ritual sources premium ingredients from all over the world (no, seriously, check it out) through a responsible supply chain. that, along with the amount of care and effort they put into their formulations gives me peace that the company i’m spending money with is doing right by me and by the global community. want to hear even more of the good nitty gritty? check it out here.

good for all women

i have actually used both the regular vitamin and the prenatal, and recently i discovered they had a vitamin specifically for ladies 50+! i’ve always thought it was a little nutty that there was this “one size fits all” mentality when it came to vitamins, and turns out i was right. ritual gets that and has formulated vitamins that cater to women in a variety of stages of life.

oh, have i mentioned, they’re actually effective? i swear they are what has made my hair grow the past few years and help mitigate some of that post-partum hair loss that women dread. i could rave about them all day, or you check it out yourself — the site is bright, informative, and has to-die-for branding [win, win, win!].

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