how to stay healthy during the holidays

these are the types of posts i always love to read — what are other people doing to stay healthy when there is SO much to do, see, eat, go to, etc. some of these tips are totally obvious, and some might be ones you haven’t even thought of. all are worth a read if you’re interested in how to stay healthy during the holidays.

bring the healthy dish

i mean, it’s pretty simple. if you want to make sure there are healthier options at your festivities, bring them. there are SO MANY good recipes out there now for healthy apps/meals/side dishes that are easy to make (key for me!). plus, there’s nothing that screams “adult” more than trying not to slam on the car brakes so that your pyrex dish to share doesn’t fly off of the seat.


do SOMETHING. this doesn’t just go for the day of a holiday; keep yourself in a routine of self-care via movement (some call it exercise) over the holidays. you’ll feel so much better and find that you make healthier choices all day long. i make a game with myself so that every time i, say, go to the bathroom, i’ll do twenty squats. or every time i find myself downstairs in my house on that day (which happens a ton running around to get people ready), i’ll do twenty push ups. fit it in in the cracks of life!

have a smoothie

me? hype a #fab4smoothie? never. just kidding. i find that i graze and belly up to the m&m bowl no matter what (no shame), so to make sure i get my nutrients in, i have a smoothie with adequate protein, healthy fats, fiber, and greens.


i can’t believe i’m writing that, but the older i get, the more i realize that one day isn’t going to derail all of my progress, so eat the cookies and move on with life. the stress of beating yourself up about it is far worse for your health than the actual cookie.

be sure to share any other genius tips, tricks, or hacks below or on my latest instagram!

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