so i always joke about being ‘woo woo’ with my husband, because i feel like i’m constantly sharing interesting health tidbits i hear or am bringing home new products to try. you should have seen the reaction i got when i put tessamae’s organic ketchup on the table instead of the classic heinz. “oh, organic ketchup, huh?” don’t even get me started on nutritional yeast; i only use that in front of my little family for apprehension of having to launch into the explanation of amino acids and b vitamins. [“but why don’t you just use cheese? you aren’t allergic to dairy.”]
all of this got me thinking, though, why do i do it? why do i try to eat and feed my family healthy food when i *also* have a sugar-laden, delicious dairy queen blizzard AT LEAST once a week?
it’s my love language for my family, that’s why. i research and learn, adopt, and try to improve my family’s life little by little. i can’t control what happens around us, but i can definitely make joey a #fab4smoothie for him to take to work, or feed logan fruit snacks that are a liiiiitle bit better for her. so in the vein of trying to do a little better for my family, here are some of the products i keep around the house.
primal kitchen dressings + mayo

i first found out about primal kitchen when i was doing a “soft whole30” a few years ago [lol, story for another day. i couldn’t really give up cheese or sugar, but it’s on my list of things to actually complete someday] anyways, these are now more accessible than ever since target sells them. and you know what? they’re delicious, too! i actually HATE mayo, but i familiarized myself with the ingredients in the primal kitchen ones and could totally get on board with them.
bone broth
shocking, this one came around because i listened to this podcast. i had always heard about bone broth but didn’t really understand the benefits until i listened to sharon brown, the founder of bonafide provisions, and heard about how she healed her little kid’s health issues. bone broth supposedly helps heal the lining of the gut, not to mention being incredibly nutrient dense, so i started to incorporate it into all kinds of things i cook for my fam. the taste cooks out, so i use it in place of some liquids in muffins, stir frys, smoothies, etc. it’s also delish on it’s own! just heat a cup of it for a quick soup-like snack.

i have been T R Y I N G to get logan to drink smoothies FOR.EV.ER, and it still hasn’t been ah it with her, but surprisingly, i’ve been able to get joey on the #fab4smoothie train. it’s a super easy way for me to cram all kinds of nutrients into what tastes like a treat. i’ve started making them at night after i make dinner and leaving them in the fridge for joey to take the next day. it’s a great way to sneak veggies into your breakfast. speaking of …
sneak the veggies in

i love to have vegetables in non-traditional ways. we eat a LOT of zoodles in our house, and now a fair amount of spaghetti squash. we have cauliflower crust pizza once a week usually, and i’m always on the lookout for the newest carb substitue. now, i’m not against carbs. i love them. i just love when i can have MORE zoodles than spaghetti noodles and feel great about getting those veggies in. i’m all about sneaking things in, in a loving way. sense a theme? bone broth protein in my daughter’s muffins, cauliflower crust pizza … i’m just trying to elevate our food at home a little bit since we can’t control what goes on outside our house as much. also, i LOVE the little bit of crunch you get from a spaghetti squash, and HIGHLY recommend if you are someone who likes your noodles a little al dente.
between social media, traditional media, and the wellness industry, it can feel totally overwhelming to try and keep yourself healthy, let alone others in your life. i’ve decided that instead of trying to overhaul our lives, i’m just trying to infuse healthier options where i can. and judging by the current adoption rate of the #fab4smoothie, i’m on the right track.
happy friday!