woo! friday! world’s longest and shortest week at the same time. crazy, right? kind of glad it worked out that we really only have two days to ease back into the routine, and the weekend for a buffer. although, there’s no real buffer on the weekend when you have kids. but i digress … anyways, i wanted to take the last day of this week to put my january 2020 intentions out there into the universe! i was chatting with some friends this past weekend about goals/resolutions, and i realized that, while i’ve never been a huge goal-setter (fear of failure; read yesterday’s post for more context), since i’ve been doing these monthly intentions, i’ve started to really up-level my life. without further ado, my january 2020 intentions.
don’t buy coffee M-F
i typically buy a gas station coffee on my way to work and/or a coffee from our cafe on-site, most days of the week. i starting making coffee in our coffee pot (no more keurig!) when i was home over the holiday, and i like it AND i like the convenience factor. i want to see if i can break the habit of buying coffee during the weekdays. i typically adopt a “treat yo-self” mentality when i hit target on the weekends and will get a coffee, but this should drastically cut down on my random little expenses.
read a magazine
i just can’t get myself to commit to reading a book right now. i know, i know, it sounds so bad. in all fairness, i listen to audiobooks and podcasts, so it’s not like i’m feeding my mind, but i need something a little more bite-sized when i sit down to read. plus, i love the tangibility of a magazine and the curated look and feel. there’s also not the intrusiveness of reading something on your phone, where you receive notifications that are totally distracting. i want to read at least one magazine per week.
style challenge + share my outfits
i get a lot of energy from putting together my outfits, so i want to keep sharing. you can expect more #targetselfies! along with that, i really liked the #mynorthstylechallenge i did in december, and want to continue. i am really trying to maximize the wardrobe i have, and these style challenges help me do just that. the #golden30stylechallenge to be announced next week!
find one new easy recipe
i need to change up what we are eating, since it’s getting a little old. i want to get back to meal planning and executing on it, but i’ve kind of become a little disinterested since life has become chaotic. time to pick it back up! i’ve been pinning like a madwoman, and will be trying some of these to see what makes it in the rotation.
alright, those seem like bite-sized goals i can work on through the month of january. i’d love to hear more about what you want to accomplish this month — let me know here (comment below) or over on instagram! thank you so much for your readership 🙂