eight month update: baby cole

baby cole eight month update
baby cole eight month update

our sweet little babe is eight months old today! no matter how old he gets, i think we will always call him “baby cole.” that’s how logan refers to him all the time, and it’s pretty cute. in true second child fashion, i’ve been pretty bad at posting updates on him (check out the previous ones here), so i figured an eight month update was due.


baby cole (lol) is eating a lot of purees and we started him on puffs recently. he has that pincer grip down (moms, you know how big of a deal that is!). i didn’t even kid myself this time with attempting to make our own baby food; cole gets the gerber kind (most of the time). he hates peas, and LOVES bananas. everything else is somewhere in between.

cole is now exclusively formula fed, which is fine by me, because looking at how our life is right now, i’m not sure i could survive if he were still nursing and i were still pumping. it’s just SO much harder with two! i feel like i don’t get enough time with logan or cole as is, and adding nursing into that would have been really tough. i’m thankful i was able to do it for five months, and also thankful i have a supporting fam/friend network and never felt any external guilt for moving to formula. fed is best, my friends!


baby cole eight month update

not through the night – i know that’s what you all want to know 🙂 cole will wake up once or twice to eat and then *usually* goes back down pretty quickly. sometimes he wants to stay up and ‘talk’ (“dadadada dadada dada”) for a while, but it’s usually not too bad. i will say, it’s hard to get him on a schedule on the weekends because i’m not sure i can read his cues well enough.

we put humidifiers in both kids rooms to help with stuffy noses and cold, dry minnesota air, and i’m not sure if it’s helping him sleep better or not, but it can’t hurt, right? he’s in his crib exclusively, and we no longer use our halo bassinet or dockatot. they were lifesavers for the first six months, and i’m happily lending them to other prego friends for when their babies come this spring/summer. it makes me SO happy to be able to share those types of things, since i know buying to outfit a baby can be pretty overwhelming.


baby cole eight month update

cole is not quite sitting up on his own, just because he seems a little top heavy 😉 what he is doing, though, is trying to crawl. he basically does a superman on the ground, sometimes getting his knees under him to rock back and forth. basically, he’s close to moving, but not quite there yet. he’s started to love his scooter, so i’ve been keeping him in that while i make dinner or do arts + crafts with logan in our kitchen. cole gets frustrated because he can’t quite get to where he wants to in it, so we will take him back out and he will roll across the living room to get to where he wants. honestly, i’m more excited for him to walk than crawl because if he’s going to be on the move, at least there won’t be a ton of dog hair in his mouth – ha!


cole is still the sweetest, smiliest baby you’ve ever met. there is NOTHING better than when i walk into his room/go pick him up from daycare and he looks, realizes it’s me, and gives me the BIGGEST, gummiest grin. seriously. i think my heart smiles. having two kids is challenging, and there are a lot of times it’s just 2:1, so i’m trying to manage both. i know these years are tough, but soon enough it will get easier again. that’s what i wish i had known the first time around: it gets SO hard, and then comparatively so much easier. and the joy i get from those tiny humans is more than i could ever get in a life without them.

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