baby cole :: nine months

he’s been out as long as he was in! baby cole is nine months old, and i feel like things have really changed since the last update. i’m not sure if it’s getting through the holidays and things are just slowing down a little bit, but it seems like things are getting just a touch easier. i have deleted and re-added that sentence no less than ten times because i know i just jinxed myself.


cole has been eating like a CHAMP. he has been having baby foods at every meal and i feel like that has really been key in him sleeping well. i thought when i had logan that i was going to be that mom who made her own baby food. lol. i have learned i can’t do it all, and making my own baby food falls into that category. we just buy the gerber brand ones from target and that seems to work for now. i do have a thrive market membership, and i might look to see what they have there …


like i eluded to above, cole has been sleeping better. he and logan were both sick on and off since, well, feels like forever, so nobody in our family was getting more than a few hours at a time. it feels like in the past month we have turned a corner and we can count on at least a solid five, if not close to six or seven hours per night. joey is a SAINT and gets up with cole most of the time, so i am back sleeping pretty decently. i have been known to wake up when cole gets up at 3am and just stay up for the day, but that only happens once a week or so. we are in a much better place than we were a few months ago, that’s for sure!


cole is on the move! i figured out the other day that we never got to enjoy that really sweet spot where you set a baby down and they can sit up and play, but not move. cole never really mastered sitting up and once he did, he flipped right to his belly and started moving. he’s pretty much figured out crawling, and while it’s not perfect, he can get where he’s going quickly. no interest in standing up yet, but he’s go go go. life is officially going to get even busier now that everyone in this house is fully mobile.

he’s still as sweet as ever, smiling exactly when you need it. he observes the chaos that is logan and just wants to be in on the action, but from the sidelines. we love the little guy SO much and he makes our hearts so full. can’t believe it’s been nine months with baby cole already!

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